Detecting If This Is an Iframe Load or Direct

How to identify if a webpage is being loaded inside an iframe or directly into the browser window?

Browsers can block access to due to same origin policy. IE bugs also take place. Here's the working code:

function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch (e) {
return true;

top and self are both window objects (along with parent), so you're seeing if your window is the top window.

Detecting when Iframe content has loaded (Cross browser)

to detect when the iframe has loaded and its document is ready?

It's ideal if you can get the iframe to tell you itself from a script inside the frame. For example it could call a parent function directly to tell it it's ready. Care is always required with cross-frame code execution as things can happen in an order you don't expect. Another alternative is to set ‘var isready= true;’ in its own scope, and have the parent script sniff for ‘contentWindow.isready’ (and add the onload handler if not).

If for some reason it's not practical to have the iframe document co-operate, you've got the traditional load-race problem, namely that even if the elements are right next to each other:

<img id="x" ... />
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('x').onload= function() {

there is no guarantee that the item won't already have loaded by the time the script executes.

The ways out of load-races are:

  1. on IE, you can use the ‘readyState’ property to see if something's already loaded;

  2. if having the item available only with JavaScript enabled is acceptable, you can create it dynamically, setting the ‘onload’ event function before setting source and appending to the page. In this case it cannot be loaded before the callback is set;

  3. the old-school way of including it in the markup:

    <img onload="callback(this)" ... />

Inline ‘onsomething’ handlers in HTML are almost always the wrong thing and to be avoided, but in this case sometimes it's the least bad option.

Checking if iframe contents are loaded?

To be notified when the iFrame is loaded, you can still use the onload event today.

Create the iFrame and set an ID for JavaScript:

<iframe id="test" src="SRC_URL"></iframe>

Now access the iFrame with JavaScript and set an EventListener for the load event:

const iframe = document.getElementById("test");
iframe.addEventListener("load", function() {

When the iFrame has finished loading, "Finish" is logged in the console. I have tested it with Google Chrome and it works fine.

Within the EventHandler you can then perform actions. For example, send a message:

iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ title: "Hi", message: "Seems to work" }, targetOrigin);

Please also make sure that you have permission to embed the web page (X-frame options).

Detect iFrame embedding in Javascript

Looking at frame length breaks down generally if page A itself has frames (I know this might not be the case for this specific instance). The more reliable and meaningful test would be:

if (window! { /* I'm in a frame! */ }

Is there a way to check whether the html is loaded on Iframe

when loaded in iframe the window.parent points to the parent window, however when loaded in a separate window window.parent points to window itself:

var loadinInIframe = window.parent != window;

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