What's the "Ruby Way" to Parse a String for a Single Key/Value

What's the ruby way to parse a string for a single key/value?

Your code is pretty much the Ruby way. If you don't want to use the global $1, you can use the 2 arg version String#[]:

match = text[/your username is: (.*)/, 1]

How to split a string into key-value pairs?

Hash[s.scan(/\@\w+/).zip s.split(/\s?\@\w+\s/).drop(1)]

Ruby extract single key value from first block in json

Since log_entries is an array you can just access the first element and get its created value.

Assuming the variable result holds the whole hash (the JSON you parse from the API):

puts result['log_entries'][0]['created']

will print out the first date. Now you might want to guard that for cases where log_entries empty, so wrap it in a if:

if result['log_entries'].any?
puts result['log_entries'][0]['created']

How to convert this 'hash-like' string to a key value pair

You can change that string to valid JSON easily and use JSON.parse then:

require 'JSON'
myvar = '{"myval1"=>"value1","mayval2"=>"value2"}'

hash = JSON.parse(myvar.gsub(/=>/, ': '))
#=> { "myval1" => "value1", "mayval2" => "value2" }

#=> "value1"

Ruby convert string to key value hash

Is this what you need?

Hash[@msg_body.scan /([^=]+)=([^&]+)[&$]/]

=> {"longitude"=>"-26.6446",
"country_name"=>"United States",
"user_agent"=>"Linux 2 XS",
"latitude"=>" 56.1784",

How do I split text into key-value pairs?

Use split with an optional second parameter (thanks to @MichaelKohl)

s = 'Author URL: http://somedudeswebsite.me/'
key, value = s.split ': ', 2
puts key
puts value


Author URL

Ruby: How to parse a string to pull something out and assign it to a variable

This tutorial really helped me understand how to work with regular expressions in Ruby.

One way to use a regular expression to get the string you want is to replace the stuff you don't want with an empty string.

original_string = "my name is: andrew"
name = original_string.sub(/^my name is: /, '') # => 'andrew'

another_format = "/nick andrew"
name = another_format.sub(/^\/nick /, '') # => 'andrew'

However, that's just string replacement/substitution. The regex is not capturing anyting.

To capture a string using a regular expression, you can use the Ruby match method:

original_string = "my name is: andrew"
matches = original_string.match /^my name is: (.*)/
name = matches[1] # return the first match

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