Where to Put a Before_Filter Shared Between Multiple Controllers

Where to put a before_filter shared between multiple controllers

How about putting your before_filter and method in a module and including it in each of the controllers. I'd put this file in the lib folder.

module MyFunctions

def self.included(base)
base.before_filter :my_before_filter

def my_before_filter
Rails.logger.info "********** YEA I WAS CALLED ***************"

Then in your controller, all you would have to do is

class MyController < ActionController::Base
include MyFunctions

Finally, I would ensure that lib is autoloaded. Open config/application.rb and add the following to the class for your application.

config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)

Laravel controller with multiple beforeFilter's

I ended up introducing a level parameter in the authorized groups. Then I only needed one single beforeFilter.

public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('userRole', ['on' => ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete']]);

And the filter now lookes something like...

Route::filter('userRole', function ($route, $request){

$token = $request->header('X-Auth-Token');

// If the token doesn't exist the user isn't authenticated
if ($token === null) {
$data = ['Not authenticated'];
$code = 401;

$response = Response::json([
'error' => true,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
], $code

return $response;

// If the token is invalid the user isn't authenticated
else if ( ! isAuthenticated($token) ) {
$data = ['Not authenticated'];
$code = 401;

$response = Response::json([
'error' => true,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
], $code

return $response;

// If the user is not a member of group Admin s/he doesn't have access
if( ! isAuthorized($token, 'Admin') ){
$data = ['Not authorized'];
$code = 401;

$response = Response::json([
'error' => true,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
], $code

return $response;


And the isAuthorized method looks something like this.

public function isAuthorized($token, $group) {
$hasPermission = false;

$user = false;
$requiredGroup = false;

// Attempting to find the user will automatically throw errors if unsuccessful
try {
if( $group !== '*' ){
// Get the needed group
$requiredGroup = $this->groupProvider->findByName($group);

// Get the user, including the memberships
$user = $this->userProvider->findByToken($token);
} catch (InvalidTokenException $e) {
$hasPermission = false;

// If the group is '*' it means everyone has permission, but has to be authenticated!
// That's why we do this check after the token-check
if ( $group === '*' ) {
return true;

if( !$user || !$requiredGroup ) {
$hasPermission = false;
} else {
// Compare user permissions to required
foreach ($user['groups'] as $group) {
if( $group['level'] >= $requiredGroup['level'] ){
$hasPermission = true;

return $hasPermission;

rails newbie: how to set before_filter function for several application_controllers?

I resolve this by creating a new module in lob directory, then include it in both application controllers.

Multiple controllers with a single model

I would like to suggest you to not to $uses statement. Instead of that you can use relations of the models like $this->Model->M0del1->....->someFunc(); if the relation exists.

If the relation between the models dos't exist then simply use $this->loadModel('ModelName'); in the specific function where-ever you need it.

If you use var $uses = array('Object'); it becomes global to the controller and it will load that model for all the actions of the controller despite of whether you require it or not. This will affect your performance.

If you use $this-LoadModel('ModelName'); in a particular function it will only load in that function not in all the actions.

Component and beforeFilter not loaded in controller when called from another controller

In that case there are few options

1. Use request Actions http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/controllers.html#Controller::requestAction

2. Move the logic or code you want to execute from SecondCrontroller to common component and use it in both contrllers.

3. Move the logic or code you want to execute from SecondCrontroller to AppController

cakephp how to have a controller class that other controllers extend

It will work fine. Controllers are nothing more than php classes, you can have them inherit any way you like, so long as Cake can find them.

  1. Create your ThingsController and place it in app/controllers/things_controller.php
  2. In your derived controller, add App::import('Controller', 'Things'); above the class definition.
  3. Define the class properly: class TestController extends ThingsController {}

Filters will inherit like normal.

before_filter with devise

I would write a custom before filter that uses user_signed_in?. This will just return a boolean, and not do any of the redirect-type actions that authenticate_user! does.

So, you could write a before filter like this:

before_filter :custom_user_auth
def custom_user_auth
unless user_signed_in?
# Do custom stuff, ultimately restricting access to the
# ...protected resource if it needs to be

Do note that this before filter won't protect your resource from unauthorized users unless the inside area of that unless statement redirects or renders.

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