How to Get the Destination Url of a Shortened Url Using Ruby

Get redirect of a URL in Ruby

You can use Net::Http and read the Location: header from the response

require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

url = URI.parse('')
res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http|

Detect destination of shortened, or tiny url

The easiest way to get the destination of a shortened URL is with urllib. Given that the short URL is valid (response code 200), the URL be returned to you.

>>> import urllib
>>> resp = urllib.urlopen('')
>>> resp.getcode()
>>> resp.url

And that's that!

Ruby on rails get current location using http url

Sure, there are lots of services... For example:

or just google for "ip api"

I can recommend ipinfodb over telize. It is slower, but much more accurate (at least in my implementation).

Keep in mind, that when querying those APIs from your server you also share your quota with all other users on this server. So, let's say you are on heroku and you share one IP with multiple others, your quota limit will be reached soon. In this case, locate the user on the client-side.

Hope this helps

How check correct url protocol in ruby?

"Protocol"? As in the IP protocol used to connect to a host as defined by the URL?

require 'uri'

URI.parse('').scheme # => "http"
URI.parse('').scheme # => "https"
URI.parse('').scheme # => "ftp"
URI.parse('scp://').scheme # => "scp"

If you want to know whether a site accepts HTTPS vs. HTTP, I'd start by checking for HTTPS, as the majority of sites allow HTTP:

require 'net/http'

].each do |url|
Net::HTTP.start(url, 443, :use_ssl => true) {}
puts "#{url} is HTTPS"
puts "#{url} is HTTP"
# >> is HTTP
# >> is HTTP
# >> is HTTPS
# >> is HTTPS

Even though and are HTTPS, if you test them for HTTP first, you'll see they also have that protocol. Some sites will redirect their HTTP request to their HTTPS server, others run both to allow a user to decide whether they want HTTP or HTTPS. You can test both protocols to figure out which cases are true.

start doesn't require a block, but by providing an empty one it will automatically close the connection immediately after establishing it.

Sites don't necessarily run their web services on ports 80 and 443. As a result, assuming the connection should be to one of those ports isn't necessarily right and could give you bad results if they use a different one. 8080 and 8081 are also often used so those should be checked too.

Also, a site might respond on a port, but its content could be a redirect pointing you to the real port they want you to use, so you need to also consider whether you should only care about the connection succeeding, or look inside the HTTPd headers, or actually read the entire page returned, and parse it in case it's a software redirect.

In other words, a connection succeeding doesn't tell you enough about what the site wants you to use, you'll have to conduct additional tests too.

Reading a webcal URL in ruby on rails

webcal is just an unofficial URI scheme for accessing icalendar documents. You can get the calendar using http and parse it using one of several icalendar plugins:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
calendar = Net::HTTP.get(uri)

For alternative ways to perform the http get request:
How make a HTTP request using Ruby on Rails?

Then parse the response using your favourite plug-in:


cal = icalendar.parse(calendar).first


cal = Vpim::Icalendar.decode(calendar).first  


cal = RiCal.parse_string(calendar).first

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