Why Does Ruby Only Permit Certain Operator Overloading

Why Does Ruby Only Permit Certain Operator Overloading

Methods are overloadable, those are part of the language syntax.

Ruby operator overloading

I believe the answer to "ruby operator overloading question" addresses both your points by using is_a? and coerce.

With regards to your first point. The normal approach in Ruby is to use respond_to? where possible, rather than checking for type. If for some reason you specifically need to check for type, then using is_a? is the correct way.

Ruby: overload operator behaviour for some cases only

Both approaches posted here so far are a legacy Rails way, which is plain wrong. It relies on the fact that the class has no method called plus and nobody will reopen the class to create a method called plus. Otherwise things will go mad.

The correct solution is Module#prepend:

Integer.prepend(Module.new do
def + other
case other
when Fixnum then special_behaviour
else super(other)

question on overriding + operator in ruby

You should not mutate the object when implementing + operator. Instead return a new Point Object:

class Point
attr_accessor :x, :y

def initialize(x,y)
@x, @y = x, y

def +(other)
Point.new(@x + other.x, @y + other.y)

def to_s
"(#{@x}, #{@y})"

> p1 = Point.new(1,2)
=> #<Point:0x10031f870 @y=2, @x=1>
> p2 = Point.new(3, 4)
=> #<Point:0x1001bb718 @y=4, @x=3>
> p1 + p2
=> #<Point:0x1001a44c8 @y=6, @x=4>
> p3 = p1 + p2
=> #<Point:0x1001911e8 @y=6, @x=4>
> p3
=> #<Point:0x1001911e8 @y=6, @x=4>
> p1 += p2
=> #<Point:0x1001877b0 @y=6, @x=4>
> p1
=> #<Point:0x1001877b0 @y=6, @x=4>

Ruby method for +=

The += operator is not associated to any method, it is just syntactic sugar, when you write a += b the Ruby interpreter transform it to a = a + b, the same is for a.b += c that is transformed to a.b = a.b + c. Thus you just have to define the methods x= and x as you need:

class Plane 
def initialize
@moved = 0
@x = 0

attr_reader :x
def x=(x)
@x = x
@moved += 1

def to_s
"moved #{@moved} times, current x is #{@x}"


plane = Plane.new
plane.x += 5
plane.x += 10
puts plane.to_s
# => moved 2 times, current x is 15

Ruby operator-overloading not working properly for a custom class object

Try this instead:

%i(- +).each do |op|
define_method(op) do |v|
@coords = @coords.zip(v.coords).map { |a, b| a.send(op, b) }

You want to zip the array, so calling coords on v makes that work. Also, map performs the given block and returns the collected results, you were discarding them.

Are you aware that Ruby has a Vector class?

2.1.5 :001 > require 'matrix'
=> true
2.1.5 :002 > a = Vector[1,2,3,4]
=> Vector[1, 2, 3, 4]
2.1.5 :003 > b = Vector[1,1,1,1]
=> Vector[1, 1, 1, 1]
2.1.5 :004 > a - b
=> Vector[0, 1, 2, 3]
2.1.5 :005 > a * 3
=> Vector[3, 6, 9, 12]

What does +@ mean as a method in ruby

Ruby contains a few unary operators, including +, -, !, ~, & and *. As with other operators you can also redefine these. For ~ and ! you can simply just say def ~ and def ! as they don't have a binary counterpart (e.g. you cannot say a!b).

However for - and + there is both a unary, and a binary version (e.g. a+b and +a are both valid), so if you want to redefine the unary version you have to use def +@ and def -@.

Also note that there is a unary version of * and & as well, but they have special meanings. For * it is tied to splatting the array, and for & it is tied to converting the object to a proc, so if you want to use them you have to redefine to_a and to_proc respectively.

Here is a more complete example showing all kinds of the unary operators:

class SmileyString < String
def +@
SmileyString.new(self + " :)")

def -@
SmileyString.new(self + " :(")

def ~
SmileyString.new(self + " :~")

def !
SmileyString.new(self + " :!")

def to_proc
Proc.new { |a| SmileyString.new(self + " " + a) }

def to_a
[SmileyString.new(":("), self]

a = SmileyString.new("Hello")
p +a # => "Hello :)"
p ~a # => "Hello :~"
p *a # => [":(", "Hello"]
p !a # => "Hello :!"
p +~a # => "Hello :~ :)"
p *+!-~a # => [":(", "Hello :~ :( :! :)"]
p %w{:) :(}.map &a # => ["Hello :)", "Hello :("]

In your example the Module just simply defines an unary + operator, with a default value of not doing anything with the object (which is a common behaviour for the unary plus, 5 and +5 usually mean the same thing). Mixing in with any class would mean the class immediately gets support for using the unary plus operator, which would do nothing much.

For example (using ruby <=2.2):

module M
def +@

p +"Hello" # => NoMethodError: undefined method `+@' for "Hello":String

class String
include M

p +"Hello" # => "Hello"

Note that in this example you can clearly see from the error message that the +@ method is missing from the class

Note that the above example will be different from Ruby 2.3, as the unary minus and plus are defined for Strings since that version, and they refer to returning a frozen and unfrozen string from the original.

list of ruby operators that can be overridden/implemented

Here's a table of the Ruby operators.

The ones that are methods and overloadable are:

[ ] [ ]=    Element reference, element set
** Exponentiation
! ~ + - Not, complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two are +@ and -@)
* / % Multiply, divide, and modulo
+ - Plus and minus
>> << Right and left shift
& Bitwise `and'
^ | Bitwise exclusive `or' and regular `or'
<= < > >= Comparison operators
<=> == === != =~ !~ Equality and pattern match operators (!= and !~ may not be defined as methods)

The table was from the 2001 Pickaxe book, but that's the same table as in the Ruby 1.9 Pickaxe book -- no reason to believe that this set of infix operators will ever change.

Overriding == equality operator works only in one direction

It's not possible without changing other classes. Basically a == b equals a.==(b). So you need to override == operator for the second class if you want to make it work.

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