Why Doesn't Puts() Print in a Single Line

Why doesn't puts() print in a single line?

gets() includes the newline. Replace it with gets.strip. (Update: You updated your code, so if you're happy working with floats, this is no longer relevant.)

puts() adds a newline for each argument that doesn't already end in a newline. Your code is equivalent to:

print "#{number1}+#{number2} = ", "\n",
add(number1, number2) , "\n",

You can replace puts with print:

print "#{number1}+#{number2} = " , add(number1, number2) , "\n"`

or better:

puts "#{number1}+#{number2} = #{add(number1, number2)}"

Why does puts 'foo' and puts foo\n result in the same output in Ruby?

After reading Cary Swoveland's comment I've realized that it is not at all obvious how puts works, because its documentation is quite scarce:

puts(obj, ...) → nil

Equivalent to

$stdout.puts(obj, ...)

It doesn't even bother to explain what $stdout is, nor does it provide a link.

$stdout is one of Ruby's pre-defined global variables. It refers to the standard output which in Ruby happens to be an instance of IO:

#=> #<IO:<STDOUT>>

So "Equivalent to $stdout.puts(obj, ...)" means that we have to read the documentation for IO#puts:

Writes the given object(s) to ios. Writes a newline after any that do not already end with a newline sequence. Returns nil.

There you go: puts only adds a newline if the object does not already ends with one.

To get the expected multi-line output, you can simply call puts for each line:

puts 'abc'


puts 'abc'


puts 'abc'

Why strings are not coming in same line in ruby

Kernel#gets gives you a string with the \n added to the end of the string. That causing the output in the multiple lines.

To make your output as you wanted it to be, you need to use #chomp method, like gets.chomp.

Code output in single line?

Use the #chomp method

name = gets.chomp # instead of name = gets
age = gets.chomp # instead of age = gets

I rewrite the code :

print "Please enter your name: "
name = gets.chomp

print "Please enter your age: "
age = gets.chomp
print "Entered details are: ",name, " ", age, "\n"

and ran it :

[arup@Ruby]$ ruby a.rb
Please enter your name: arup
Please enter your age: 27
Entered details are: arup 27


Returns a new String with the given record separator removed from the end of str (if present). If $/ has not been changed from the default Ruby record separator, then chomp also removes carriage return characters (that is it will remove \n, \r, and \r\n).


Returns (and assigns to $_) the next line from the list of files in ARGV (or $*), or from standard input if no files are present on the command line.

C output on terminal doesn't have it's own line

Use a newline character, represented as '\n'. The slash is an escape character for a few special characters, such as tab '\t', and carriage return '\r'.

printf("Hello World\n");

printf doesn't print a string immediately

The output stream stdout is buffered by default, so if you want immediate output you'll need to flush the output stream - using fflush - or cause a newline to be printed in the printf:

printf("Starting nets allocation...");


printf("Starting nets allocation...\n");

Note that you can also control buffering at a file pointer level using the setbuf function from stdio.h:

setbuf(stdout, NULL);

The second argument to setbuf is a buffer supplied by the caller to be used for buffering output to the stream. Passing NULL indicates that buffering is to be disabled, and is equivalent to:

setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

which also disables buffering on the specified stream.

See docs for setbuf here.

How do you print the final result in a single line?

You can save the fifth words in a list during the loop and join them after it. Below I show some modifications in your code to achieve this:

file = input('Chapter file: ')
with open(file, 'r') as chapter:
final = chapter.read()
x = final.split()
combined = []
for i in range(0, 200, 5):

print(' '.join(combined))

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