Static Variables in Ruby, Like in C Functions

Static variables in ruby, like in C functions

Scope your variable in a method and return lambda

def counter
count = 0
lambda{count = count+1}

test = counter

Are Ruby class variables similar to the Java static variables?

There's a lot of similarity between Ruby and Java by virtue of them being object-oriented, but their family tree is different. Ruby leans very heavily on Smalltalk while Java inherits from the C++ school of thinking.

The difference here is that Ruby's concept of public/private/protected is a lot weaker, they're more suggestions than rules, and things like static methods or constants are more of a pattern than a construct in the language.

Global variables are frowned on quite heavily, they can cause chaos if used liberally. The Ruby way is to namespace things:

$ugly_global = 0  # Not recommended, could conflict with other code
# Ownership of this variable isn't made clear.

$ugly_global += 1 # Works, but again, it's without context.

module UglyCounter # Defines a module/namespace to live in
def self.current # Defines a clear interface to this value
@counter ||= 0 # Initializes a local instance variable

def self.current=(v) # Allow modification of this value
@counter = v.to_i # A chance to perform any casting/cleaning

UglyCounter.current += 1 # Modifies the state of a variable, but
# the context is made clear.

Even a thin layer like this module gives you the ability to intercept read/write operations from this variable and alter the behaviour. Maybe you want to default to a particular value or convert values into a normalized form. With a bare global you have to repeat this code everywhere. Here you can consolidate it.

Class variables are a whole different thing. They're also best avoided because sharing data between the class and instances of this class can be messy. They're two different contexts and that separation should be respected.

class MessyClass
@@shared = 0

def counter

def counter=(v)
@@shared = v

This is a pretty rough take on how to use a shared class-level instance variable. The problem here is each instance is directly modifying it, bypassing the class context, which means the class is helpless. This is fundamentally rude, the instance is over-extending its authority. A better approach is this:

class CleanerClass
def self.counter
@counter ||= 0

def self.counter=(v)
@counter = v.to_i

# These are reduced to simple bridge methods, nothing more. Because
# they simply forward calls there's no breach of authority.
def counter

def counter=(v)
self.class.counter = v

In many languages a static class method becomes available in the scope of an instance automatically, but this is not the case in Ruby. You must write bridge/proxy/delegate methods, the terminology here varying depending on what you're used to.

ruby access static variable

You can't do what you want to do :)

@harald is right. attr_reader will define GETTER only for instance variable, for "static" (aka "class variables") you need to define setter and getter by yourself:

class A
@@ololo = 1

# instance level

# getter
def ololo
# setter
def ololo=trololo
@@ololo = trololo

# and class level
# if you need it

# getter
def self.ololo
# setter
def self.ololo=trololo
@@ololo = trololo


a =
b =
#=> 1
#=> 1
A.ololo = 100
#=> 100
#=> 100
#=> 100
a.ololo = 4
#=> 4


Shorter one:

class A
@ololo = 1
class << self
attr_accessor :ololo

Dynamically create static variables in a class

Constants are defined like this (they have to start with an uppercase letter):

class A
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3

A::A #=> 1
A::B #=> 2
A::C #=> 3

To define them dynamically, use const_set:

class A
%w(A B C).each.with_index(1) { |c, i| const_set(c, i) }

In ruby, how do I declare the C++ equivalent of static function variables?

What you're doing is pretty common in Ruby, but also so common you don't need to make a big fuss about it. All @-type instance variables are local to that instance only. Keep in mind "instance" generally refers to an instance of a class, but it can refer to the instance of the class as well.

You can use @@ to refer to a class instance variable from the context of an instance, but this tends to get messy in practice.

What you want to do is one of the following.

A variable that persists between method calls, but only within the context of a single object instance:

def func(x)
# Instance variables are always "defined" in the sense that
# they evaluate as nil by default. You won't get an error
# for referencing one without declaring it first like you do
# with regular variables.
@hash ||= { }

if @hash[x]
puts 'spaghetti'
@hash[x] = true
puts x.to_s

A variable that persists between method calls, but only within the context of all object instances:

def func(x)
# Instance variables are always "defined" in the sense that
# they evaluate as nil by default. You won't get an error
# for referencing one without declaring it first like you do
# with regular variables.
@@hash ||= { }

if @@hash[x]
puts 'spaghetti'
@@hash[x] = true
puts x.to_s

This is usually made cleaner by wrapping the @@hash into a class method. This has the secondary effect of making testing easier:

def self.func_hash
@func_hash ||= { }

def func(x)
if self.class.func_hash[x]
puts 'spaghetti'
self.class.func_hash[x] = true
puts x.to_s

Accessing a static variable and method in a module

I assume you're trying this out in Rails development mode. In this mode all constants (classes, modules and constants) are loaded by demand.

When ruby meets undefined constant, it throws an error, which autoloader intercepts and tries to load the constant by converting its name to a path.

In your case, autoloader tries to find
MyNamespace::MY_SET in app/presenters/my_namespace.rb (which fails) and has no idea that you actually defined it in app/presenters/my_namespace/base_presenter.rb. But after you have loaded your MyNamespace::BasePresenter (which, btw, lies on the correct path), MyNamespace, MyNamespace::MY_SET, and MyNamespace.my_method got initialized and become available.

What you need to do is to

a) define MyNamespace correctly and move methods and constants to its definition:


module MyNamespace
MY_SET =['a', 'b', 'c'])

def self.my_method


# note that I don't open module here, 
# but use a constant to enable autoloading of MyNamespace module
class MyNamespace::BasePresenter


b) just move all methods/constants to your BasePresenter class. Since it lies on a correct path, constant MyNamespace::BasePresenter::MY_SET will just work.

module MyNamespace
class BasePresenter

MY_SET =['a', 'b', 'c'])

def self.my_method

Bonus part

The difference between

module MyNamespace
class BasePresenter


class MyNamespace::BasePresenter

is when MyNamespace is undefined in first case it will be defined (module MyNamespace either opens existing module or defines new one), but in second case the mechanism described above will try to load MyNamespace somewhere, and if it fails - you'll get uninitialized constant error MyNamespace.

What it also means to you is if you define all your namespaced classes as a first case (inside module MyNamespace)


module MyNamespace
class BasePresenter

and also have MyNamespace in its proper place with some code inside


module MyNamespace
MY_SET =['a', 'b', 'c'])

And if your MyNamespace::BasePresenter will gets loaded first, it'll actually define MyNamespace and your app/presenters/my_namespace.rb will not be loaded (since autoloading loads only missing constants), and you'll have to require it yourself.

presenter =
MyNamespace::MY_SET # boom, uninitialized constant error

The solution here is to define modules in 1 proper place (that autoloading knows how to find) and use class MyNamespace::BasePresenter format for defining namespaced classes in their proper locations.

Static local variables for methods in Ruby?

This answer is a little larger in scope than your question, but I think it gets at the root of what you're trying to do, and will be the easiest and most maintainable.

I think what you're really looking for here is factories. Try using something like factory_girl, which will make a lot of testing much easier.

First, you'd set up a factory to create whatever type of object it is you're testing, and use a sequence for the email attribute:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}" }
# include whatever else is required to make your model valid

Then, when you need valid attributes, you can use


You can also use Factory.create and to create saved and unsaved instances of the model.

There's explanation of a lot more of the features in the getting started document, as well as instructions on how to add factories to your project.

Ruby, variables and their C# equivalent

C# does not use sigils for variables.

The "equivalent" C# variable depends entirely on how the variable/member is defined. Note that there are differences even between the "equivalent" forms.

However, there are a number of naming conventions that are encouraged to be followed. The exact conventions used vary by project and may differ from the names I chose below, which reflect my conventions - do not use "class" or "instance" or "local" in real variable names.


class MyClass: IMyInterface {

// "const" makes it constant, not the name
public const int CONSTANT = 42;

// static member variable - somewhat like Ruby's @@variable
private static int classVariable;
public static int ExposedClassVariable; // but use properties

// @variable - unlike Ruby, can be accessed outside "self" scope
int instanceVariable;
public int ExposedInstanceVariable; // but use properties

void method (int parameter) {
int localVariable;

C# does not have "global variables in a shared namespace", but static member variables can be accessed by a stable path which means they can be effectively abused as global variables.

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