How to Refer to a Submodule's "Full Path" in Ruby

No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'sinatra-bootstrap'

It is possible that the index special entry representing the submodule SHA1 for sinatra-bootstrap could have been replaced with a plain old folder instead.

Try to remove it from the index:

git rm --cached `sinatra-bootstrap` 
git submodule update --init

If have no entry in your .gitmodules and want one for a sinatra-bootstrap path, then you will need to properly add it first

git submodule add /url/for/sinatra-bootstrap sinatra-bootstrap

Exract path and url from config file via regex

This file format is something of a standard and so I imagine there is a gem or other code floating around that will parse it. On the other hand, it's easy to parse and encapsulated little text problems like this are "the fun part" of development, so why not reinvent the wheel? It's kind of like playing a game...

require 'pp'

def scangc
result = h = {}
open '../.gitconfig', 'r' do |f|
while s = f.gets
if s[0..0] == '['
result[s[1..-2].to_sym] = h =
raise 'expected =' unless s['=']
a = s.strip.split /\s+=\s+/
h[a[0].to_sym] = a[1]
pp result


How do I update my git submodules from specific branches?

now I need to update the submodules into the project.

The parent repo only records SHA1 (in a special gitlink entry, mode 160000)

You can, in your rails4 branch, update your .gitmodules in order to ask your submodule to checkout/update their rails4 branch: see "Git submodules: Specify a branch/tag" for the full process: it starts with:

cd /path/to/your/parent/repo
git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<path>.branch <branch>

That will allow for a git submodule update --recursive --remote to update the rails4 branch in those submodules.

How can I get Rspec2 to support models and specs in a different path?

To load shared/models, you do have to add it to config.autoload_paths.

Then to load your spec from shared/spec, add this to spec_helper.rb:

shared_model_specs = config.filename_pattern.split(",").collect do |pattern|
config.files_to_run.concat shared_model_specs

Just a side note for other guys interested, if your spec files are in the normal spec folder but under a customized sub folder, you can load it like this:

config.include RSpec::Rails::ModelExampleGroup, :type => :model, :example_group => {
:file_path => config.escaped_path(%w[spec shared models])

PS: I would recommend putting the shared code or modules into a gem, then use them in the two projects. This way the gem contains its own tests and referencing it from multiple projects is much easier and organized.

I have a ruby project that needs a submodule from github

From git submodule --help we can see:

git submodule [--quiet] add [-b branch] [-f|--force]
[--reference <repository>] [--] <repository> [<path>]

So, given a repository "my-plugin" at "", you would use

git submodule add vendor/plugins/my-plugin

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