Error Installing Feedzirra

Error installing FeedZirra

You need to install libcurl for the curb gem, which your app depends on somewhere. You can get it here, but you're on your own as far as installation goes. I'm not a windows user, sorry.

Problem installing LibCurl + LibXML + FeedZirra on Windows XP

Curb Installed

Follow instrictions of rubyinstaller and sakaiproject

You would be able to install curb in no time!

Feedzirra Not Installed Properly?

Ok, I found the answer... just include gem 'feedzirra' in your Gemfile and run bundle install. gem 'pauldix-feedzirra' doesn't seem to work, though.

feedzirra windows latest curb version issue

Try to add -v 0.7.18 after gem install curb:

>gem install curb -v 0.7.18 -- --with-curl-lib=C:/curl-7.27.0-devel-mingw32/bin --with-curl-include=C:/curl-7.27.0-devel-mingw32/include

The latest Feedzirra has a curb ~> 0.7.15 as a dependency, so curb-0.8.4 won't be suitable - here is an explanation referring to the bundler site.

Also if you're using something like RVM (if I remember correctly there's a nearly similar utility for windows called pik) then ensure that you're installing gems to the gemset used by your application.

Feedzirra incompatible with Rails 3.1.1?

According to archiloque, "It's already done in commit 26532da, I just need to release a new version the includes this change"

For now, putting this in your Gemfile should fix that issue:

gem 'feedzirra', :git => ''

The specific revision that worked for me is:
revision: dee1454980e7b93022776cd047ad419da3999332

Puma installation error on windows

I ran bundle update before bundle install and that solved the issue for me.

I'm not sure if that was the only thing that helped, as I manually updated puma before that, using these steps:

  1. Checked which version of openssl Ruby is using by running ruby -v -ropenssl -e "puts OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION"
  2. Downloaded the right openssl version from
    (got the link from and edited it based on the output of #1).
  3. Extracted openssl using to C:\RailsInstaller\openssl
  4. gem install puma -- --with-opt-dir=C:/RailsInstaller/openssl

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