How to Iterate Through This JSON Document Using Ruby

How do I iterate over this JSON object?

Use JSON.parse to parse the response.

response = "{\"id\":\"a3adasfaf3\",\"url\":\"https://someurl/a3adasfaf3\",\"created\":\"2016-05-30T07:00:58Z\",\"modified\":\"2016-05-30T07:00:58Z\",\"files_hash\":\"cljhlk2j3l2kj34hlke18\",\"language\":\"ruby\",\"title\":\"Some weird hello world message\",\"public\":false,\"owner\":\"kljhlk2jh34lk2jh4l2kj3h4l2kj4h23l4kjh2l4k\",\"files\":[{\"name\":\"Some-weird-hello-world-message.rb\",\"content\":\"puts \\\"Some weird hello world message.\\\"\\r\\n\"}]}"

require 'json'

JSON.parse response
# output:
# {"id"=>"a3adasfaf3", "url"=>"https://someurl/a3adasfaf3", "created"=>"2016-05-30T07:00:58Z", "modified"=>"2016-05-30T07:00:58Z", "files_hash"=>"cljhlk2j3l2kj34hlke18", "language"=>"ruby", "title"=>"Some weird hello world message", "public"=>false, "owner"=>"kljhlk2jh34lk2jh4l2kj3h4l2kj4h23l4kjh2l4k", "files"=>[{"name"=>"Some-weird-hello-world-message.rb", "content"=>"puts \"Some weird hello world message.\"\r\n"}]}

response["name"] # => a3adasfaf3

how to iterate through json result in ruby on rails?

You can use map to transform every element of a collection

def get_results
results = getJsonData(); { |item| item.merge("year" => 2000) }

In this case I'm adding a key "year" to your hashes with value 2000, it depends what you want to do

how to iterate and retrive just the values from a json object with ruby

assuming you have the object as a string.

require 'json'
json_obj = '{"a" :"1", "b":"2", "c":"3"}'
values = JSON.parse(json_obj).values

will provide you with the array

["1", "2", "3"]

JSON.parse , parses the json string into a ruby object, in this case an instance of a Hash. The Hash class has a method values which returns an array containing the values or each hash entry.

Ruby - iterate over parsed JSON

You're trying to iterate over data, which is a hash, not a list. You need to get the children array from your JSON object by data['data']['children']

require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "json"

uri = URI.parse("")

response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

data = JSON.parse(response.body)

data['data']['children'].each do |child|
puts child['data']['body']

given a json object, how to iterate through the object in rails

Symbols and strings are different things (except when you're using HashWithIndifferentAccess), you should be using a string as a key:

JSON.parse(list_items_open).each do |item| item['id']

This is a hash with an 'id' key:

{ "id" => 193 }

This is a hash with an :id key:

{ :id => 193 }

How to iterate over this Json data in rails?

Four problems:

  1. you are not parsing the response body with JSON.parse
  2. you are using a constant name (starting with capital letter) as a variable name (@Response), you shouldn't.
  3. unnecessary puts on iteration.
  4. The value of data is not an array, but rather another hash. So you should iterate over it as key/value pairs.


@response = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(your_url).body)
@response["data"].each do |key, value|
puts key
puts value

How to iterate through a JSON array in Rails

params["Schedule"] gets an hash, not an array. So your block will have a key (the day as a name) and an array

params["Schedule"].each do |day_name, day_schedule|
# to do

Iterate JSON with Ruby and get a key,value in an array

json = JSON.parse(your_json)
values = { |_, v| { v[:PATH] => v[:ARTIFACTS].split(',') } }

You'll get the nice hash

'/tmp/pruebaAlvaro' => ['example1.jar', 'another_one.jar', ...],
'/tmp/pruebaAlvaro2' => [...]

And, you can iterate over it:

values.each do |path, artifacts|
artifacts.each do |artifact|
puts path
puts artifact

You'll get the same output, which you provided in the question

Iterate over JSON Array in Rails5

Since 'k' is a hash, you need to access k['name'] and k['price'] to extract price and name.

Also when you use .each on an array, you normally only declare one block argument (You have two, k and v ).

You normally write 2 block arguments for Hashes (and lots of other Enumerable methods), which is possibly what you thought you were iterating over, but


is an array

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