Get List Timeline by Using Twitter Gem

How do you iterate through Twitter gem user timeline?

This is because you store data into a single @tweet record, you need also create a new record just after the, it is need in order to new data do not overwrite old ones. Do something like:

  @content.each do |post|
if > element.tweet_since_id
@tweet = :screen_name => element.screen_name, :content => post.text
@tweet.user_id =
element.tweet_since_id =

Note, that it is good style that fields of a record of a view something_id has belong to another record types in your DB, if you have no record assiciated with the field, use another naming, like something_xid or somethind_sid.

Pulling Images from User's Timeline with Twitter Gem

I don't know how you can do that with the gem currently, but you could filter the results with an .each loop:

@twitter.each do |tweet|
if tweet.media_url.present?

Problems with this method

You're looping through the whole array every time (not very efficient). I am looking at the source to see if anything can be done to filter the results so that a loop isn't necessary


Working code from one of our apps:

In helper:

def twitter_feed
Twitter.user_timeline(21931601).take(5) #limits array to 5 items

In view:

twitter_feed.each do |tweet|
image_tag([0]["media_url"], :size =>[0]["sizes"]["thumb"]) if(

More Options

There are more options on Twitter Gem's Github page

rails twitter gem list retrieve/display full tweet

Doing an API call :


Need simple Twitter API v1.1 example to show timeline using jQuery or C# ASP.NET

Okay, I received an answer from a colleague who had to make a similar change at my company. Here is the coded solution. He received this from a company we contracted to build a new interface for us with a Twitter timeline.

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="18DigitMagicNumber" data-chrome="nofooter transparent noscrollbar noheader noborders"  data-tweet-limit="1" >Tweets by @@companytwitterhandle</a>
<script>!function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if (!d.getElementById(id)) { js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = p + "://"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } }(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");</script>

You will see in the data-widget-id attribute 18DigitMagicNumber. That number is apparently tied to our Twitter handle or our company. I don't know how that gets generated.

As indicated, a contracted company wrote that code for us, so I won't try to explain what it's all doing.

I cut and pasted this from one site into an unrelated site and it worked immediately. The only thing I changed was to remove the actual company handle and data-widget-id, and to replace the single @ with @@ to escape it in MVC.

Hopefully this will help some of you who are also migrating to Twitter 1.1. Thanks.

How can I retrieve my profile with the twitter gem

You can do the following simple steps to use the Twitter client gem:

# get user id from user name 
id = client.user( 'user_name' ).id

# read user's timeline by id
timeline = client.user_timeline id

# read user's timeline of yours
your_timeline = client.user_timeline

you can omit the username, and you get the timeline of current user, so try also to issue:

user_info = client.user

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