Update Field Through Link_To in Rails

Update field through link_to in Rails


<%= link_to "Remove", update_products_path(product:{parent_id: nil}), method: :put %>

There is no HTTP-Verb update what you need is put. You can read about Rails and HTTP-Verbs

update field from a link_to in rails 4

I finally got to fix this by just changing the link from:

<td><%= link_to 'Publish', post_path(post, visible: true), method: :put %></td>

to this:

<td><%= link_to 'Publish', post_path(post, post: {visible: :true}), method: :put %></td>

rails link_to update 1 field

There's no automatic way to do this through a view helper such as link_to. Your actions in your controller need to actually do this for you.

If you never want to delete a document through your destroy action, then just rewrite that action to set its 'deleted' attribute to true instead of actually destroying it. That way you can continue to use your original link. so:

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base

# DELETE /documents/:id
def destroy
@document = Document.find(params[:id])
@document.deleted = true
redirect_to documents_path


<%= link_to 'Destroy', document, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>

Rails: Update data via link_to (without view)

You need to change rooms_path to room_path.

Without params:

<%= link_to "Delete", room_path(room) , method: :put, data: { confirm: "You sure?"} %>

With params:

<%= link_to "Delete", room_path(room, room: {name: nil, address: nil}) , method: :put, data: { confirm: "You sure?"} %>

Rails 4 : Table Boolean Column Update Using link_to with a specific value TRUE always

You can pass hidden params through button_to:

<%= button_to "Update", user, method: :put, params: { doc_delete: true } %>

This will create a micro-form, much like what Marwen alluded to. Whilst quite inefficient, it will be the best way to send data to your update action.


Another, more efficient, way would be to define a custom route/action:

resources :customers do
patch :doc_delete, on: :member #-> url.com/users/:id/doc_delete

class CustomersController < ApplicationController
def doc_delete
@customer = Customer.find params[:id]
redirect_to customers_path if @customer.update doc_delete: true

<% @customers.each do |customer| %>
<%= link_to "Update", customer_doc_delete_path(customer) %>
<% end %>

Rails link_to update attribute from controller action

There are several issues with your code

  1. Since you are updating a record you need to include method: :patch in your link and also you need to modify the routes file to include appropriate route.

    In your routes file add

    resources :meetings do
    member do
    patch 'completed'

    In your view

    <%= link_to "Mark as completed", completed_meeting_path(@meeting), remote: true, method: :patch  %>
  2. Since you have a remote:true in your link so rails will try to render a javascript template and since you are not rendering a javascript template you will get a template missing error

    In your controller

    def completed
    @meeting = Meeting.find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|
    # if something ...
    # update meeting record and then render js template
    format.js {render :status => :ok} # it will render completed.js.erb inside 'app/views/meetings/' directory
    # else
    # something else
    format.js {render :action => "different_action"} # it will render different_action.js.erb inside 'app/views/meetings/' directory

Now all you need to do is to write some basic javascript in the js templates to update the view.

Note : If you don't want to render anything simply use format.js { render :nothing => true }.
Also if you want to use redirect_to calls instead of rendering js template just remove remote: true form you link .

Rails 3 how do I use link_to to change the value of a boolean in the db?

You can update the code below

You View

<% @users.each do |user| %> 
<%= link_to 'Approve', active_user_path(user) %>
<% end %>

You Controller

def activate
@user = User.find(params[:id])
if @user.update_attribute(:approved, true)
redirect_to "something"
render "something"

Your routes

match "users/:id/activate" => "users#activate", :as => "active_user"

Hope can help you.

Rails - Update a single attribute : link with custom action or form with hidden fields?

Not sure what your routes look like but if you have an update action it should work with the link_to. If you go with the link make sure you use a method of PUT or POST (ideally PUT because it's an update):

link_to("Unlink your facebook account", user_path(@user, :facebook_uid => nil), :method => :put, :confirm => "Are you sure?")

Update a boolean field in db using link_to

link_to can only link to a target controller action. You need to define a route that will route the call to a method that toggles the boolean value.

For example, in your controller:

class ThingsController
def toggle_foo
@thing = Thing.find(params[:id])
@thing.foo = !@thing.foo

Then you would route this:

resources :things,
:member => { :toggle_too => :put }

Then you can link to it:

link_to('Toggle', toggle_foo_thing_path(@thing), :method => :put)

It's important to not use a GET method on these calls because some browsers will pre-load all the simple links on your page, which will have the effect of automatically toggling all those things you link to on the page.

update a product attribute with link_to in my admindashboard rails

You could set the route to accept an id from the params:

patch '/publish_product/:id' =>'pages#publish_product'

Then in the link_to you use that path plus the id:

<% @notactives.each do |product| %>
<%= link_to 'publish the article', publish_product_path(product.id) %>
<% end %>

And in the controller you "flips" the attribute based on the current value, like:

def publish_product
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
@product.active = !@product.active
redirect_to :admindashboard if @product.save

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