Jekyll:New Posts Not Being Generated

Jekyll post not generated

  • The post is not placed in the _posts directory.
  • When you change the collections_dir in your config from . (default) to my_col_folder all your posts have to move as well below my_col_folder/_posts jekyll defaults
  • The post has incorrect title. Posts should be named YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP (Note the MARKUP extension, which is usually .md or .markdown)
  • The post's date is in the future. You can make the post visible by setting future: true in _config.yml (documentation)
  • The post has published: false in its front matter. Set it to true.
  • The title contains a : character. Replace it with :. Works in jekyll 3.8.3 (and probably in other 'recent' releases).

Jekyll : New posts not being generated

I finally found why jekyll was failing. The title i used in one of my posts had a colon (:) in it. I just had to replace it with : and the post parsed fine.

Jekyll is not reading new posts

Today I tried building again and it built successfully first and second posts as I wanted. I was duplicating and renaming posts from Windows Explorer to create new posts. Today I realized Ubuntu doesn't detect changes that I made in Windows Explorer, probably the core of the problem is that. Everything seems like working now!

Jekyll blog posts not showing up on github pages

If everything is right you will have a message with an information that your server is running afaik.

For example this is my message (note last line):

$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Configuration file: /Users/alexfreik/Documents/GitHub/ltc-webpage/_config.yml
Source: /Users/alexfreik/Documents/GitHub/ltc-webpage
Destination: /Users/alexfreik/Documents/GitHub/ltc-webpage/_site
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
done in 0.94 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/alexfreik/Documents/GitHub/ltc-webpage'
Server address:
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Do you have this information?

EDIT: The problem was in the incorrectly set pagination.

Jekyll is not reading site.posts

Updated Answer:

Check that your posts are in YYYY-MM-DD-title.MARKUP, i.e. style, with 0 for padding.

Under "Creating Post Files" in "Writing Posts" on Jekyll's documentation page:

To create a new post, all you need to do is create a file in the _posts directory. How you name files in this folder is important. Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:

Former Answer:

Is your _posts folder located in your website's root directory?

My main suggestion otherwise is to create a layout (in the layouts folder) specifically for showing your index (so make a normal webpage and copy and paste the current non-frontmatter content of your file inside). It's my understanding that if it's not Liquid or Markdown, your code is shown as is, and not read / processed for building the website. Even if you have an entirely empty bottom half to your page, to my understanding it should show your posts.

Why is Jekyll not working in local when I add a new post?

This a Jekyll 3.x behavior.
Posts with a date in the future are not published, except if you :

  • set a future: true variable in _config.yml


  • do a jekyll serve --future

This is not a problem under Jekyll 2.x and Github pages.

Jekyll post not showing up on github pages but does show up on

If you go to your settings page, in the Github Pages, you will see :

Your site is having problems building: A file was included in _includes/head.html, that is a symlink or does not exist in your _includes directory. For more information, see

Copy paste your local analytics.html in your _include folder, push, and everything will be ok.

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