My Class Name Conflicting with Ruby'S

My class name conflicting with Ruby's

def initialize
today = # get today's date from Ruby's Date class
puts "Today's date is #{today.to_s}"

What is double colon in Ruby

Ruby 2.4 module name conflict with my model class name

Warning module is used for overriding ruby warn method. To temporarily get around the error - you can undefine the constant before defining your model:

Object.send(:remove_const, :Warning)

runnable test:

require "bundler/inline"
gemfile(true) do
source ""
gem "activerecord", "5.2.3"
gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.3.6"

require "active_record"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "logger"

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
create_table(:warnings, force: true){|t| t.string :name }

RubyWarning = Warning
Object.send(:remove_const, :Warning)

class Warning < ActiveRecord::Base

def RubyWarning.warn(str)
puts "still works: #{str}"

class SomeTest < Minitest::Test
def test_stuff
wrn = Warning.create name: 'test'
assert_equal(, 'test')
warn "Test warn"

Conflicting Class Name in Rails

Using include messes up namespaces, so it's best to just not do that. Ruby has a singular global namespace unlike things like Python and Node, so you need to be very careful when importing.

If you include SendGrid and that has a SendGrid::Attachment class then Ruby will try and reconcile that with your Attachment class later, which will fail.

The best plan is to update your code to include the SendGrid:: prefix on everything. A well-designed library will be cleanly namespaced to avoid this problem.

Resolving a class name conflict in a Rails application

I believe the issue is down to Ruport requiring the PDF::Writer gem, which in turn requires the Transaction::Simple gem which defines the module Transaction.

There is certainly a #transaction method in ActiveRecord, but I do not think there is a Transaction module or class within Rails. I'll be happy to be corrected on that one.

Namespacing is usually the best practice for avoiding naming conflicts like this. E.g.

module Account
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base

However, namespacing ActiveRecord models may throw up other issues.

As time consuming as it may be, renaming your Transaction model may be the best bet.

You can still keep your existing transactions database table if you wanted, so your migrations don't need to change, by putting self.table_name = "transactions" inside your model.

Your associations with other models can also still be named "transaction(s)" by specifying the class_name in your association call. E.g.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :transactions, :class_name => "AccountTransaction"


Those two suggestions may or may not save you some time.

Rails Model name conflict with included gem

include SendGrid it the culprit.

It adds all constants from the SendGrid module to the current module (which is probably the top level), so you can use SendGrid's classes without prefix, e.g. just instead of

The downside is that it also messes with your existing constants.

You can either include it under a specific module:

class Notifications::WelcomeWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
include SendGrid

# ...

Then, Email resolves to Sendgrid::Email and ::Email resolves to your top-level Email class.

Or you could simply remove the include SendGrid line and use the SendGrid:: prefix.

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