Show Full Path Name of the Ruby File When It Get Loaded

Show full path name of the ruby file when it get loaded

The best way I can think of is to patch the Kernel module. According to the docs Kernel::load searches $: for the filename. We can do the same thing and print the path if we find it.

module Kernel
def load_and_print(string)
$:.each do |p|
if File.exists? File.join(p, string)
puts File.join(p, string)

alias_method :load_original, :load
alias_method :load, :load_and_print


We use alias_method to store the original load method, which we call at the end of ours.

Getting the full path for a required file

You can look for loaded files in $LOAD_PATH aka $: variable as described in Show full path name of the ruby file when it get loaded. And you can list required files by querying $LOADED_FEATURES aka $"

require '/home/ashish/samples/required_test.rb'

$".each do |path|
puts path

More info on require -

How to get the path of loaded files

Read the last element of the array $LOADED_FEATURES right after a file load succeeds.

require 'set'
$LOADED_FEATURES.last # => gives the path for `set` if it was loaded properly
require 'abc/pqr'
$LOADED_FEATURES.last # => gives the path for `abd/pqr` if it was loaded properly

If you need to do it later, then you need to search the appropriate path from the $LOADED_FEATURES using some kind of string match.

Ruby, getting path from path+filename

Use the Ruby File.dirname method.

# => "C:/Test"

How can I get the full path of my selected file in Ruby on Rails?

You can't get path to file from form in modern browsers. You can work only with tempfile Should be available as params[ :uploaded_file ][ :tempfile ]

Edit try

file ='params[ :uploaded_file ][ :filename ]', 'w+')
file.write( params[ :uploaded_file ][ :tempfile ].read )

How to get the current working directory's absolute path in Ruby?

Dir.pwd is the current working directory

Ruby: How to get the correct full path of a source file after a chdir?

__FILE__ builtin is an instance of String class:

puts __FILE__.class 
# ⇒ String

That means you should not expect any voodoo magic from it. It stores the relative path, this file was loaded at.

ruby C:\TEMP\test.rb        # ⇒ __FILE__ == 'C:\TEMP\test.rb'
cd C:\TEMP && ruby test.rb # ⇒ __FILE__ == 'test.rb'

In ruby 2.0 was new builtin __dir__ introduced. It looks like what you are looking for, in case 2.0-only solution is OK with you.

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