What Does "<Top (Required)>" Mean in a Ruby Stack Trace

What does top (required) mean in a Ruby stack trace?

It's the top level of a file i.e. whatever gets run when the file is required.

So if something fails during the setup of a library (for example some required file isn't found) it will show up in the stacktrace like that.

What does mean top (required) in rspec?

Host is CentOS5 and the included SQLite version is old and dont work with the sqlite3 gem.
So i had to config the bundler to use a newer installed sqlite version.

bundle config build.sqlite3 \
--with-sqlite3-include=/package/host/localhost/sqlite-3/include \

Followed by a bundle install

Problem solved.

block (3 levels) in top (required)

It is hard to see, because that method is very long and the indentation is not clear, but you need to move the total that you want to return into the last line of the total method. Change






Rails: You have already activated rake 10.3.1, but your Gemfile requires rake 10.2.2 (Gem::LoadError)

You should look at bundle update and change your workflow a little. Refer to this question for further assistance.

Original answer

This is a simple issue which happens when your gemset has a rake version that is newer than the version number your Gemfile.lock mentions.

As is mentioned in the error message, you can use bundle exec to get things working.

My solution in such cases is to just remove Gemfile.lock if I am not too worried other gem versions and their endless dependencies. Otherwise, you can try just removing the one line in Gemfile.lock which talks about the version of rake. run bundle install and the world should be a happy place again. (edit 2: Run bundle update --source instead of this. Don't do this.)

PS: Try using gemsets and organising your gems with rvm for different projects.


I prefer using rbenv now for managing installations and all gems for a project reside in vendor/bundle using bundle install --path option. Later scope every gem command with bundle exec.

Hence, rails s becomes bundle exec rails s. A little more typing is, in my opinion, better if it means that things will remain clean and conflicts such as this one don't happen.

RoR rspec failing test with error 'block (2 levels) in top (required)

The stack trace says:

Failure/Error: before { @user.safe }  
undefined method `safe' for #<User:0x503b848>
# ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:86:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

It's telling you some key pieces of information:

  • The problem is happening on line 86 of user_spec.rb.
  • The problematic line of code is before { @user.safe }.
  • The problem is a NoMethodError which means you're trying to call a method on an object for which that method is not defined.
  • It tells you specifically that there is no method safe for #<User:0x503b848> which is an instance of the User class. From the context you should be able to deduce that it's referring to the @user variable in this context.

This is way more than enough information to deduce what cause of the problem is: you're calling @user.safe on line 86, and there is no such method safe for @user.

The solution to the problem is you probably mean to call save, not safe.

You have a few other failures for a couple other reasons. See if you can read the information in the error messages to understand the causes of the problems, then it should be easy to figure out on your own how to fix those problems.

How to view the top of long stack trace in rails server error

You can redirect the output of the script to a file and look through that for your errors.

bundle exec rails s > my_file

This will put the output in the file "my_file". If you want to include the errors (stderr output) you also need to redirect that, so something like this:

bundle exec rails s > my_file 2>&1

How do I get ruby to print a full backtrace instead of a truncated one?

Exception#backtrace has the entire stack in it:

def do_division_by_zero; 5 / 0; end
rescue => exception
puts exception.backtrace
raise # always reraise

(Inspired by Peter Cooper's Ruby Inside blog)

How to cancel evaluating a required Ruby file? (a.k.a. top-level return)


A "top-level return" feature has been added.


Commenter matt pointed out that Feature 4840, which would do exactly what I'm asking about, has been in discussion since June 2011. Further, the feature was still being discussed as late as November 2015 in core team meetings regarding new Ruby features.

There are a lot of difficulties involved in designing a feature like this; for a list of the pros and cons, I highly suggest checking out the discussions.

The proposed feature would allow exiting the required file while using any of the the following top-level statements:

if condition

while condition
# ...

# ...
# ...
# ...

And it would not exit the required file in the following statements:

class Foo
return # LocalJumpError

def foo
return # returns from method, not from required file

proc do
return # LocalJumpError

x = -> { return } # returns as from lambda, not from required file

Since the feature remains unimplemented, I have awarded the bounty to steenslag for successfully solving the problem (as originally written) to the letter, if not the spirit.

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