Ruby: Split String at Character, Counting from the Right Side

Ruby: Split string at character, counting from the right side

String#rpartition does just that:

name, match, suffix = name.rpartition('.')

It was introduced in Ruby 1.8.7, so if running an earlier version you can use require 'backports/1.8.7/string/rpartition' for that to work.

Rails split by last delimiter


'hello_to_you'.split /\_(?=[^_]*$)/

Split a string into a string and an integer

Use a positive lookbehind assertion based regex in string.split.

> "10480ABCD".split(/(?<=\d)(?=[A-Za-z])/)
=> ["10480", "ABCD"]
  • (?<=\d) Positive lookbehind which asserts that the match must be preceded by a digit character.

  • (?=[A-Za-z]) which asserts that the match must be followed by an alphabet. So the above regex would match the boundary which exists between a digit and an alphabet. Splitting your input according to the matched boundary will give you the desired output.


Use string.scan

> "10480ABCD".scan(/\d+|[A-Za-z]+/)
=> ["10480", "ABCD"]

Split method in a Do loop to separate string values in an array by whitespace

Anything like this?

array.each { |name| puts name.split.sample }

Split string at end of line (Ruby)

string_array = string.split(/\n/) should do the job.

How to split a string in x equal pieces in ruby

How about this?


Separate single characters from an string using .split

only_words_and_spaces = /[^a-zA-Z\s]/
"Hello friends+-!".gsub(only_words_and_spaces, '').split('')
=> ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "f", "r", "i", "e", "n", "d", "s"]

Splitting a symbol, in the same manner as one would split a string

Since Ruby 1.9 some string's features are added to the Symbol class but not this much.The best you can do, I think is:


You could turn this into a Symbol method:

class Symbol
def split(separator)

# => [:symbol, :with, :underscores]

Creating a method that given a string (fname lname) returns the two

How about this:

def explode_name(str)
!str.nil? && str.respond_to?(:split) ? ((2 - (a = str.split(' ', 2)).length).times { a << nil };a) : [nil,nil]

explode_name "Mr James Bond" #=> ["Mr", "James Bond"]
explode_name "Mr Bond" #=> ["Mr", "Bond"]
explode_name "Mr" #=> ["Mr", nil]
explode_name "" #=> [nil, nil]
explode_name nil #=> [nil, nil]
explode_name 6 #=> [nil, nil]

A comparison for programming's sake

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