Invalid Gemspec -Illformed Requirement ["#<Yaml::Syck::Defaultkey:0Xb5F9C990> 3.2.0"]

Invalid gemspec -Illformed requirement [ # YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0xb5f9c990 3.2.0 ]

This can happen when upgrading to Rails 3.2.

Updating Rubygems should fix this issue.

gem update --system

Hope this helps.

Invalid gemspec -Illformed requirement [ # YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0xb5f9c990 3.2.0 ]

This can happen when upgrading to Rails 3.2.

Updating Rubygems should fix this issue.

gem update --system

Hope this helps.

Any other way to circumvent the Illformed requirement YAML::Syck::DefaultKey errors then to upgrade RubyGems?

You probably found a way around this by now, but here's a hacky way to fix it if you have permissions to write the changes.

cd /path/to/vendor/bundle/ and open spree_api-1.0.0.gemspec in a text editor.

Delete anywhere it says #<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:...> and replace it with >=.

Save it, go back to your Rails app directory and run bundle install

Invalid gemspec messages during bundle install of factory girl (rails 3.1 and ruby 1.9.2p290)

There is no point that I can see in keeping this question open any longer. While I never did clearly understand why I was getting Invalid gemspec, the steps which are listed in my update to my question "solved" that "problem".

It would be nice if there was a way to simply close a question as "An answer is no longer a priority for me" or even simply "I've moved on". But there isn't. This "answer" will at least take this question off the list of things to still be looked at.

Passenger throws Bundler::GemfileError after gem update --system

I was able to fix this by rolling back rubygems-update to the previously installed version by running

gem update --system 1.8.11

At which point all of my apps began working again. I'm still not sure what the problem was, and will gladly switch the accepted answer from my own to someone who can provide more insight into why updating rubygems-update would break Passenger integration.

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