To_Specs': Could Not Find Chef (>= 0) Amongst [] (Gem::Loaderror)

to_specs': Could not find chef ( = 0) amongst [] (Gem::LoadError)

This happened to me when I wasn't using system ruby, thanks to RVM:

$ echo $GEM_HOME

Note that @rails3tutorial2ndEd denotes a special Ruby install, and not the system install.

To fix this and make knife work again, I ran:

rvm reset

run dependency.rb:247:in `to_specs': Could not find bundler

in my bash_profile i had $PATH:~/ruby/bin and instead I needed ~/ruby/bin:$PATH. It was was using the gem in /usr/bin instead of ~/ruby/bin.

Could not find rails ( = 0) amongst [] (Gem::LoadError)

I had to sudo gem install bundler to make it work again.

Could not find 'librarian-chef' (Gem::LoadError)

You need to install librarian-chef:

sudo gem install librarian-chef

If you don't have installed gem so far, you'll also need to install rubygems before:

sudo yum install rubygems

Every chef commands gets error (Mac OS X)

I guess you installed Chef through rubygems. It requires mime-types ~> 1.16, but you have 2.0 installed. You should uninstall it and install the right version.

gem uninstall mime-types
gem install mime-types -v 1.16

Gem::LoadError when starting Rails server

Finally got it working. For anyone who wants the full shell log, here it is: link

The issue was I believe with versions. When using RVM, you have to set terminal to run command as a login shell. Since for some reason everything needs to be run as sudo to work properly (I'm new to Linux), so I ran sudo gem install rails, then sudo bundle install, and now it seems to work.

Can't run Chef as root

Well rvm reset worked after all.

So the "solution" post that I mocked earlier was actually the solution I was looking for. Karma.

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