How to Click First Link in List of Items After Upgrading to Capybara 2.0

How to click first link in list of items after upgrading to Capybara 2.0?

You can just use:



first('.item > a').click

(if your default selector is :css)

Code in your question doesn't work as:

within ".item" do
first(:link, "Agree").click

is equivalent to:

find('.item').first(:link, "Agree").click

Capybara finds several .item's so it raises an exception. I consider this behavior of Capybara 2 very good.

how to click one item in list of items with capybara

Ideally you would add a unique id as @juan-manuel-rodulfo-salcedo suggested. However, if you can't do that then you could find all the divs with class=search-result. Below is an example of how to click the second div on the page:


For more examples of how to select multiple elements, see this SO answer.

Rails capybara click label with link

When you tell Capybara to click on an element it clicks in the middle of that element which in this case is where you have the conditions link, so that takes the click before the label element. One option would be to specifically click on the abbr element, which is in the label but away from the link

find('label[for="influencer_agree_terms"] abbr').click

Another option would be to take advantage of the fact that allow_label_click supports specifying offsets for the click location

check('influencer[agree_terms]', allow_label_click: { x: 10, y: 10 })

Depending on the setting of Capybara.w3c_click_offset that offset could be from the center or from the top left corner of the label element so adjust the values as necessary. Technically you can do the same thing when calling click

find('label[for="influencer_agree_terms"]').click(x: 10, y: 10)

but it's generally better to use check when dealing with a checkbox

Clicking link using capybara

You can do it like


Href link click using capybara

page.all(:link,"Graduation") returns Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching link "Graduation"

That means page contains multiple graduation text if you want to click the first one you can write like this


It will click the first link and the below one click the second link.You can use anyone as your needs.


am sure this will work for you

click the specific link using capybara

If your plant names are unique enough you can do

find('tr', text: plant_name).click_link('Select')

This will work because the :text options matches a substring of the visible text in the tr element, and then the click_link is scoped inside the found tr. It could fail if you have any plant name that is a substring of another plants name, or included into another plants description, etc - but that can handled for testing by selecting plant names/details in your test set wisely. If you really need to test with plant names that are substrings of other plant names/details the initial find can be rewritten using an xpath and the ancestor axis.

How to click a span in capybara tests?

The data-testid attribute is on the input element not on the span, so find("span[data-testid='prepay-enrollment-modal-agreement-checkbox']") won't work. If you put the data-testid attribute on the span rather than the input then it would work, however there's a better way. Since the checkbox has an associated label element you can just tell Capybara it's allowed to click on the label element if necessary. First, since you're using test ids, set

Capybara.test_id = 'data-testid'

in your global config, and then in your test just do

page.check('prepay-enrollment-modal-agreement-checkbox', allow_label_click: true)

Note: rather than expect(page).to have_selector("[data-testid='review-step-container']") you should use expect(page).to have_css("[data-testid='review-step-container']") to make it clearer that you know you're passing CSS. Also for test speed reasons you may want to combine all of the have_content calls into one using a regex

Capybara::Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching xpath - Find 1st link

Since one of the links is in the title h2 you can use that to scope the find and remove the ambiguity

find(".blog-post-title > a[href=`#{post_path(post)}`]").click # always better to use post_path than hardcode the id

You could also do first(:link, href: post_path(post)).click but first (like all) has the disadvantage of not having waiting/retrying behavior so unless you're sure the page is fully loaded when called it's best to avoid it (or enable waiting/retrying on it by specifying one of the count options first(:link, href: post_path(post), minimum: 1).click).

If you need to click blog title links a lot you could also create a custom selector with something like

Capybara.add_selector(:title_link) do
css do |post|
".blog-post-title > a[href=`#{post_path(post)}`]"

which would then allow you to do

find(:title_link, post).click

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