Jekyll Serve Dependency Error - Could Not Open 'Lib Curl'

jekyll serve dependency error - Could not open 'lib curl'

My work around was to omit the Jekyll plugins from the Gemfile.

Original Gemfile:

source ''
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins


source ''
gem 'github-pages'

However, if you need to use the plugins, check out TT--'s answer below. I couldn't get it working myself, but it is the exact same problem so if it worked for him I guess it should work.

Could not open library '' when running $ bundle exec jekyll serve

It seems you don't have libcurl which is probably a dependency of this version of Jekyll or one of it's dependencies. Can you try installing it via

How to solve 'libcurl' not found with Rails on Windows

Answer that worked for me (W10/Ruby2.6.0) was:

  1. Download cURL from the following URL: (I chose 64bit because that's the system I'm using)
  2. Go into the archive and browse to /bin
  3. Locate libcurl_x64.dll (it may be just libcurl.dll)
  4. Extract to your local drive
  5. Rename it to libcurl.dll if it has the _x64 suffix
  6. Cut + paste the file into the /bin directory of your Ruby installation

Jekyll remote theme doesn't work locally

aaaah I was just bashing my head against this as well. I ran bundle exec jekyll serve --verbose and saw that jekyll-remote-theme was never being initialized at all (each plugin logs a Requiring: jekyll-<thing> line). Then I noticed this block in the Gemfile:

# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"

I added "gem jekyll-remote-theme" to that plugin block and that fixed it – doh!

There are a few notes in the jekyll changelogs about this Gemfile group, but I didn't find any of it super helpful in explaining what's going on here.

hope that helps!

Rails Typhoeus Curl Trouble

Is libcurl properly installed? Typhoeus has no native extensions but it requires libcurl dynamic library (.so) since it works with the FFI library:

# from lib/typhoeus/curl.rb
ffi_lib 'libcurl'

I would say that the development files (headers) are not needed so sudo apt-get install libcurl3 should do the trick (otherwise install the devel version w/ SSL support via sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev).

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