How to Get Past "Http://Gems.Rubyforge.Org/ Does Not Appear to Be a Repository" Error Message

How can I get past does not appear to be a repository error message

Your browser might be using system-wide proxy settings or some sort of automatic configuration. The gem command probably doesn't. I'm behind an university proxy and I can't install/update any gems normally, but can access everything with my browser. To install gems, I normally create a tunnel to my server so I can bypass the proxy server.

This might help you to configure the proxy settings for the gem command: How do I update Ruby Gems from behind a Proxy (ISA-NTLM)

How can I install a ruby gem that cannot be found?

if you use bundler, you can add to your Gemfile next line:

gem "s3nuke", :git => "git://"

Or you can install with specific_install gem

gem install specific_install
gem specific_install -l

unable to install gems using `sudo`

When you are not using sudo, rubygems is finding your .gemrc file in your home directory. When you use sudo, I think under Ubuntu it doesn't find your .gemrc and uses the "sources" file instead (for me, it's in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sources-0.0.1/lib). Try updating the rubygems source to

If that doesn't work, try installing RVM. Since RVM installs gems without sudo, you won't have to worry about it.

Gem Update System - Catch 22 with 302 redirects

I managed to update rubygems with

gem update --system -l -V --source                            
Updating RubyGems
200 OK
Updating rubygems-update
Installing gem rubygems-update-1.6.1
Using local gem /home/passenger/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p249/cache/rubygems-update-1.6.1.gem

This didn't solve the 302 errors that I get on any other gem though.

To install the gems directly you can follow these steps:

1. go to, search for 'your-gem', and copy the link
2. wget
3. gem install ./your-gem.gem --local

Add insecure rubygems source and automatically choose 'yes' for 'Do you want to add this insecure source?' (I'm using Docker-Compose)

You can specify the gem source in ~/.gemrc file, without the interaction with the gem source command.

$> echo -e '--- \nsources:\n-' >> ~/.gemrc

That command will generate next file:


Which will be used by rubygems package.

Rubygems documentation

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