Sinatra Configuring Environments on the Fly

Sinatra configuring environments on the fly

require 'sinatra'
configure(:production){ p "I'm production" }
configure(:development){ p "I'mma dev mode" }
configure(:sassycustom){ p "I'mma own mode" }

"I'mma dev mode"

C:\>rackup -E development
"I'mma dev mode"

C:\>rackup -E production
"I'm production"

C:\>rackup -E sassycustom
"I'mma own mode"

C:\>rackup -E notdefined

If you don't specify an environment, development is used by default. You can specify any environment name you want, though 'production' is very common. If you specify an environment that you don't configure, no configuration block will match. (It might be a mistake on your part, but it's not an error caught by the code.)

Note that the Sinatra documentation says that setting RACK_ENV environment variable will be used if available. This used to not work, but some time in the last few years it has been fixed!

If, for example, you can set an environment variable for your service, you can control the mode.

How does Sinatra know which environment to use?

By nature heroku will take care of setting the environment. By default it's "production". In case you have different config/behavior for different use case, you would have to code that first.

For example

if ENV=="production"
# do something
elsif ENV=="staging"
# do something else

I am not sure why would you want to set environment explicitly to "production" or something else. That should be left at discretion of hosting environment.


More info on Heroku documentation

Further update

 heroku run printenv

above should list environment variables.

Ruby Sinatra configured to work on production and development

According to Sinatra Documentation:

Environments can be set through the RACK_ENV environment variable. The
default value is "development". In the "development" environment all
templates are reloaded between requests, and special not_found and
error handlers display stack traces in your browser. In the
"production" and "test" environments, templates are cached by default.

To run different environments, set the RACK_ENV environment variable:

RACK_ENV=production ruby my_app.rb

You also can use the development? and production? methods to change the logic:

get '/api/test' do
if settings.development?
return "It is dev"
else if settings.production?
return "It is PROD"

If settings.development? doesn't work, you can try Sinatra::Application.environment == :development

In Sinatra, what is the difference between production and development environment?

Basically, only templates are affected by the env var.

You are free to implement every other application logic methods based on current env:

  if settings.production?
# this will only run in production
# every other env

You can also do something like this when need conditional configs:

configure :production, :development do
enable :logging

Cannot access sinatra app through the local network

Try ruby app.rb -o or ruby app.rb -e production. Either should work.

Web server on wireless interface?

You are going about it wrong.

If you invoke your server with the -h flag, Sinatra will spit out its help:

Usage: server [options]
-p port set the port (default is 4567)
-o addr set the host (default is
-e env set the environment (default is development)
-s server specify rack server/handler (default is thin)
-x turn on the mutex lock (default is off)

The -e env tells Sinatra to use a specific environment.

If I remember right, the problem is tied to the environment Sinatra, and Rack, think you're running in, "development", "testing" or "production". "Sinatra configuring environments on the fly" has some important information for you, as does Sinatra's "Configuring Settings" doc.

Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

You're actully going to pass options to thin on the command line directly or via a configuration file. See all options:

$ thin -h

For production, use a configuration file:

$ thin -C thin-production.yml -R start

Here is an example thin-production.yml file:

address: localhost
port: 3020
servers: 4
max_conns: 1024
max_persistent_conns: 512
timeout: 30
environment: production
pid: tmp/pids/
log: log/thin-production.log
daemonize: true

Starting Sinatra Web Application on Windows

Use thin or some other webserver:

gem install thin

Then just pass in the rack config file(

$ thin -R start
>> Thin web server (v1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

the port in this case is 3000, point browser to

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