Using Rbenv Doesn't Work with Sudo

Using rbenv doesn't work with sudo?

The idea behind tools like rbenv and RVM is that you don't need to use sudo, because your entire Ruby environment exists inside your own workspace as a sandbox.

RVM allows multi-user configurations though it was originally designed for single users.

As far as I've ever seen or read, rbenv is single-user only. At no time should you need to use sudo to manipulate or change your Ruby environment when using rbenv. If you do, something is wrong. If you try to use sudo, you'll screw things up. You might not find out immediately but eventually something will pop up and you'll need to change the ownership of the files back to you.

On Linux and Mac OS you can do that pretty easily using:

sudo chown -R <your_user_name>:<your_group> ~/.rbenv

You have to run that as sudo because only the super-user can change ownership of files owned by root. sudo escalates your privileges to allow you to change those things.

rbenv and passenger - cannot install from not root user account(sudo group)

As I wrote in my comment, you have to run the passenger-install-nginx-module as root with the full path, because it is not in the $PATH var of your bash. To find out the path, run which passenger-install-nginx-module

rbenv not changing ruby version

Check that PATH contains $HOME/.rbenv/shims and $HOME/.rbenv/bin

$ env | grep PATH

Also check that you have the following in your ~/.bash_profile if using bash or ~/.zshenv if using zsh

export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Make sure it's the last setting in your ~/.bash_profile . I ran into an issue where I installed a program that updated my .bash_profile and reset PATH.

Finally, make sure your $HOME folder doesn't have a .ruby-version file that you may have created by accident if you were to have done $ rbenv local <ruby-version> in your $HOME folder. Doing $ rbenv global <ruby-version> modifies the $HOME/.rbenv/version file, and the existence of a .ruby-version file in the $HOME folder would override the version set by $HOME/.rbenv/version.

From the docs:

Choosing the Ruby Version
When you execute a shim, rbenv determines which Ruby version to use by reading it from the following sources, in this order:

The RBENV_VERSION environment variable, if specified. You can use the rbenv shell command to set this environment variable in your current shell session.

The first .ruby-version file found by searching the directory of the script you are executing and each of its parent directories until reaching the root of your filesystem.

The first .ruby-version file found by searching the current working directory and each of its parent directories until reaching the root of your filesystem. You can modify the .ruby-version file in the current working directory with the rbenv local command.

The global ~/.rbenv/version file. You can modify this file using the rbenv global command. If the global version file is not present, rbenv assumes you want to use the "system" Ruby—i.e. whatever version would be run if rbenv weren't in your path.

Bundle not working with rbenv

Your installation is caught in a loop.

Change to a directory that is not your app, and that doesn't have a Gemfile.

Then do the usual gem install bundle (and use sudo if you need it)

Then change to your app directory, and do the usual bundle install.

Does that solve your issue?

If you need more help, can run these commands then paste the results in your question?

 $ command -v ruby
$ command -v bundle
$ ruby -v
$ bundle -v

Look for any mismatch between the results and what you expect. This will help you track down what's happening. You may need to update your Gemfile Ruby version.

(Also, you may want to consider changing from rbenv to chruby because it's better IMHO with these kinds of path issues)

rbenv Permission denied with Assetic on Ubuntu

I do not have experience with the said components but assuming that the user who is executing the file is www-data it might be an issue with the permissions of the /root/.rbend/shims/ruby file.

Run the command sudo chmod o+x /root/.rbenv/shims/ruby wich will give execute permissions to the owner of the file, presumably www-data since you ran the chown command.

If it still doesn't work run the command ls -l /root/.rbenv/shims/ruby, the 4th character of the first column should be x, indicating the owner has execution permissions.

For more info on linux file permissions check "Understanding and Using File Permissions".

Ruby version differs from the rbenv one in server

when you run ruby -v, it's considering your ruby installed by apt install ruby.

You must remove ruby-build with apt remove ruby-build and clone the ruby-build to inside rbenv directory and then install and set as global with rbenv.

I want to recommend you to read and follow this tutorial after remove local ruby-build.

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