Error: Error Installing Capybara-Webkit:

Error installing gem capybara-webkit

Try installing libqt via homebrew.

$ brew install qt@5.5

ERROR: Error installing capybara-webkit:

If you are in Ubuntu do

sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui

If you are on Mac

brew install qt

and then

gem install capybara-webkit -v '0.11.0'

error installing capybara-webkit. Can not compile

It looks like you're using gcc, which has trouble compiling some of Apple's newer frameworks.

If your CC or CXX environment variables are set, make sure they're set to cc and c++ and not something like gcc and g++.

Unable to install capybara-webkit

I had to install QT link as capybara-webkit gem uses it to compile and install.

Installing capybara-webkit for Ruby on Rails

Here is quick fix that I implemented to solve my problem:

Step 1 : Head over to

Step 2 : Download a zip or clone the repo to your local from the master branch.

Step 3 : Open your Gemfile and update the gem configs as follows

gem "capybara-webkit", path: 'Path-To-The-Plugin-In-Your-Local-Machine\capybara-webkit-master'

Step 4 : Try running the bundle install and see if works. That's it.

Errors installing Capybara-webkit

Homebrew has carried qt 4.8.6 since April. Please brew update && brew upgrade and try brew install qt again.

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