Rack::Request - How to Get All Headers

Rack::Request - how do I get all headers?

The HTTP headers are available in the Rack environment passed to your app:

HTTP_ Variables: Variables corresponding to the client-supplied HTTP request headers (i.e., variables whose names begin with HTTP_). The presence or absence of these variables should correspond with the presence or absence of the appropriate HTTP header in the request.

So the HTTP headers are prefixed with "HTTP_" and added to the hash.

Here's a little program that extracts and displays them:

require 'rack'

app = Proc.new do |env|
headers = env.select {|k,v| k.start_with? 'HTTP_'}
.collect {|key, val| [key.sub(/^HTTP_/, ''), val]}
.collect {|key, val| "#{key}: #{val}<br>"}
[200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, headers]

Rack::Server.start :app => app, :Port => 8080

When I run this, in addition to the HTTP headers as shown by Chrome or Firefox, there is a "VERSION: HTPP/1.1" (i.e. an entry with key "HTTP_VERSION" and value "HTTP/1.1" is being added to the env hash).

How can I show the headers received by Rack, and how Rails sees them?

You'll be able to use the request.headers:

#controller action
request.headers.each do |header|

How can I get request headers in their original format from Rack?

You can get the raw headers in webrick/httpserver.rb from the raw_header instance variable of WEBrick::HTTPRequest:

p req.instance_variable_get("@raw_header")
si.service(req, res)

You can also get it from inside the service method in handler/webrick.rb.

Accessing headers from Sinatra

Try use before block with headers method:

before do
headers "HTTP_AUTH" => "test"
headers "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8"

or in request:

get '/' do
headers['HTTP_AUTH'] = "test"
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=600'
puts headers # show headers on this request

Use headers with is just hash

How to test headers with rspec and rack-test in Sinatra

You should be able to inspect the last_request like so:


using RSpec & your example above you would test with:

last_request.env["HTTP_X_MY_AWESOME_HEADER"].should == "It's value"

And hopefully you'll get a green light :)

More info here:


custom request headers in rspec controller test being passed as rack.session

I've been digging through the issue this morning as well. The problem comes from here http://apidock.com/rails/ActionController/TestProcess/process as the method signature looks like this (action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET'). This was quite unexpected to me and I'll keep looking though I'm not quite sure why it happens like this.

To get it working you could do

before do
request.headers['X-API-KEY'] = 'somekey'

This works, although not exactly what I wanted/expected from the get method.

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