Error Installing Ruby with Rvm (Osx 10.8)

rvm install on Mac OSX 10.8.4 gives 'Error running 'requirements_smf_lib_install libtool'

This looks like a bug somewhere on the way, please report it to

Also as SM Framework is mostly used to build binaries for RVM you might want to try with Homebrew instead:

rvm get stable
rvm autolibs homebrew
rvm install 1.9.3-head

Please note that 1.9.3-head means latest development code from 1_9_3 branch - not the latest released patch level, to get the latest patchlevel use:

rvm get stable
rvm install 1.9.3

Error installing Ruby on a Mac using RVM

First, you'll need to install the Apple Developers Toolkit (XCode) from the Mac App Store (it's free)

Once that's installed, you'll need to install the CLI command line utilities by running:

xcode-select --install

Then try your install again, and it should work for you.

Additionally, you may want to install the latest version of Ruby, which at the time of this writing is 2.1.0 (via rvm install 2.1.0)

Finally, if you haven't already, I would recommend installing homebrew as well, as this has the added benefit of checking your runtime environment for errors (via brew doctor). You can find instructions here:

Good luck!

Can't install ruby 1.8.7 on Mac 10.8 via RVM

Ok, I found the solution.

  1. Remove Xcode.
  2. From here I downloaded the package for Mountain Lion.
  3. Install downloaded osx-gcc-installer.
  4. Install Xcode (and command-line tools).

That is all.

Error installing JRuby with RVM on OS X 10.8

it is not required to build nailgun in jruby 1.7.0, you can use rvm head where this step was already removed:

rvm get head
rvm reinstall jruby

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