Trying to Install Ruby-Filemagic on Snow Leopard Using Brew Rather Than Ports

Trying to install ruby-filemagic on Snow Leopard using brew rather than ports

you don't have to make your own formula, it's there in libmagic.

brew install libmagic
brew link libmagic

then, for whatever reason the gem install didn't work but cloning the lib and running

ruby extconf
make install

worked. godspeed!

Missing library while installing ruby-filemagic gem on Linux

sudo apt-get install libmagic-dev did it for me

Ruby-LDAP and Snow Leopard

Make sure you

require 'rubygems'


should I conda update conda if I installed using brew?

Once you’ve installed a Conda distribution, it should be self-managed. I would not use homebrew to manage it further. And yes, keep Conda updated with

conda update -n base conda

Note the specification of the environment. That is, conda update commands apply to the active environment, unless an environment is explicitly specified. The conda package itself is installed in the base environment.

Unable to install tiny_tds on mac

So in the end, it turned out that the machine I received was not wiped clean from a previous user and all of my problems are due to there being another gcc as well as ancient tds libraries in /usr/local. Blowing away all that stuff has resolved my issues.

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