Use Rvm to Force Specific Ruby in Xcode Run Script Build Phase

Xcode run phase script in Ruby wrong encoding

In the end the solution seems to be to force UTF8 onto ruby

LC_ALL= LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ruby -e 'p Encoding.default_external'
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

What is a proper way to execute ruby script from xcode build phase script?

Build phase -> Shell: change /bin/sh to /bin/bash -l
Bash login is required, in order to load ruby variables/paths/etc.

Force .rb file running under specific ruby versions

Use the gem semantic to handle parsing the current Ruby version:

require 'semantic'

# Require >= 2.7 < 3
exit unless'~> 2.7')

# Require >= 2.7, including 3 and above
exit unless'>= 2.7')

This requires you to use bundler and a Gemfile with your app.

Other comparators are listed in the source code for the gem:

if ['<', '>', '<=', '>='].include?(comparator)
satisfies_comparator? comparator, pad_version_string(other_version_string)
elsif comparator == '~>'
pessimistic_match? other_version_string
tilde_matches? other_version_string

This will allow you to fine-tune your version requirements.

What permissions are required for Run Script during a build phase?

You can simplify your Xcode project file a little further and not require the "bin/sh " in front of the script name.

To avoid this, you need to turn on "execute" permissions for users (Xcode in this case) of the file.


  • Go into terminal
  • Navigate to where your script is
  • run chmod 755

How do I get ctrl-c to interrupt a script running via rvm do?


rvm-shell 1.9.3 -c "ruby myscript.rb"

if you can not get it running in any way open rvm issue =>

Installing rvm on cygwin

As the error says, you're missing tput. Run the cygwin setup, look for the ncurses package, and install it.

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