How to Execute Custom Actions After Successful Sign in with Devise

Can I execute custom actions after successful sign in with Devise?

Edit: Please consider that this was once a good solution, but there are probably better ways of handling this. I am only leaving it here to give people another option and to preserve history, please do not downvote.

Yes, you can do this. The first resource I'd look at is Also, check out How to redirect to a specific page on successful sign up using rails devise gem? for some ideas.

You can do something like:

def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
session[:my_account] = current_user.account

You can implement this method in your ApplicationController or in a custom RegistrationsController.

Devise redirect after sign_in and perfom POST action

Found the solution !
There is actually a gem called repost, that helps you redirect to a POST action. I implemented it in my solution.

Here is the whole technique I applied. To redirect after sign-in and then complete the POST action when the login was successful:

First, I create a session session[:previous_url] for later on to be used to redirect back here.

  def show
session[:previous_url] = request.fullpath #url for user to come back after signing in

attendee_controller.rb : we create session[:attendee]

   def create
if !current_user
session[:attendee] = true
redirect_to user_session_path

app\controllers\users\sessions_controller.rb (user_session_path)


def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
if session[:attendee]
previous_url = session[:previous_url]
session[:previous_url] = nil #clear session
previous_url #going back to event page

More info into after_sign_in_path_for method here in the Devise How-To Wiki.

previous_url will bring us back to show view from the events.

Here is where the gem will come save the day :


before_action :attendee?, only: :show


def attendee?
if session[:attendee]
session[:attendee] = nil
repost(attendee_event_path, options: {authenticity_token: :auto})

This is the gem template :

repost('url' , params: {}, options: {})

Here is the gem link:

Devise: after successful login hook

In the user model where you're using devise create a after_database_authentication instance method.

How to redirect to a specific page on successful sign up using rails devise gem?

This page is for you:

Rails: Devise: redirect after sign in by role

By default Devise does route to root after it's actions. There is a nice article about overriding these actions on the Devise Wiki,

Or you can go even farther by setting stored_locations_for(resource) to nil, and then have different redirects for each action, ie: after_sign_up_path(resource), after_sign_in_path(resource) and so on.

Devise - How to trigger a sign_in on page user already has access to

This sounds like you need some controller specific code.

When a user clicks on the link, have the corresponding action do something like this:

    def image_action # Whatever the action name is
if current_user # current user is given to you by devise
# Do stuff that a logged in user would do
# redirect to login page

The idea being that you leave the logic out of the view, and instead either have the controller serve the logged in user the appropriate data / page or have an unauthenticated user redirected to the login page.

current_user is a method given to you by devise that evaluates either to the currently logged in user making the request or nil if the user is not logged in.

If you post your controller code, I'll file out more of my example code, I just didn't want to make it too specific at risk of being confusing.

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