Ruby Ternary Operator Without Else

Ruby ternary operator without else

a.action if object.method?

ternary operator based on if else

For something like this you might want to use a simple look-up table to eliminate some of the logic:

'Y' => 'guest',
'N' => 'test'

if (a.present?)
b = EQUIVALENT[b.value] || b

The || b part may not be necessary if non-mapped b values are ignored.

Using defined? in a Ternary operator

It should be:

<% defined?(foo) == "local-variable" ? foo : nil %>

From documentation:

... return value provides information about the expression.

>> defined?(foo) == "local-variable"
=> true
>> defined? foo
=> "local-variable"
>> defined? (foo == "local-variable")
=> "method"

Ruby operator precedence

Ruby ternary operator if else

@skill = @user.skill ||

If the value of @user.skill if nil, it will asign the next value( to @skill.

How can I use the ternary operator with multiple values?

Since a ternary operator is exactly that (an operator), you can't split it over multiple instructions.

However, blocks make it possible to "squash" multiple instructions into a single expression.

def my_withdraw(pin_number,amount)
puts (
pin_number == @pin ?
@balance -= amount
"Withdrew #{amount}."
end :

Of course, this is completely illegible and I would never recommend you use that sort of syntax in the real world. But for the sake of science, why not.

DRY up Ruby ternary

Assuming you're okay with false being treated the same way as nil, you use ||:

PROFESSIONAL_ROLES.key(self.professional_role) || 948460516

This will return 948460516 if key returns nil or false and the return value of the call to key otherwise.

Note that this will only return 948460516 if key returns nil or false, not if it returns an empty array or string. Since you used nil? in your second example, I assume that's okay. However you used blank? in the first example (and blank? returns true for empty arrays and strings), so I'm not sure.

replace ternary nil check with ruby best practices

The usual pattern is:

result = method(args) || default_value

The || operator is short-circuiting. If the left-hand-side is true, it will not bother to evaluate the right hand side. In Ruby, nil is considered false. Hence if nil is returned (or false), the || evaluates the right-hand-side and returns that as the result.

Note the order of the left and right sides is important.

Ruby Assigning True and False strings?

Use an inline if or a ternary if operator:

shopping_list = {
"milk" => false,
"eggs" => false,
"jalapenos" => true

puts "Here is your Shopping List:"

shopping_list.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{if value then 'purchased' else 'not purchased' end}"
# or this:
# puts "#{key} - #{value ? 'purchased' : 'not purchased'}"


Here is your Shopping List:
milk - not purchased
eggs - not purchased
jalapenos - purchased

Which operator to use: ternary operator (?:) or if/then/else/end?

I chose here if/then/else/end, but listed both options as acceptable. It is a matter of style which one you choose.

Some Stack Overflow Ruby users prefer to use a regular if ... then ... else ... end. It is longer, but more clear and more idiomatic. See, for example, these answers:

Other Stack Overflow users prefer ?:, which is more concise and clear, if you are used to it. Also note that The Ruby Style Guide agrees:

Prefer the ternary operator(?:) over if/then/else/end constructs. It’s more common and obviously more concise.

# bad
result = if some_condition then something else something_else end

# good
result = some_condition ? something : something_else

Is the ternary operator ?: defined as a method in Ruby?

Is the ternary operator in Ruby really just a syntactic sugar for if ... then ... else ... end statements?


From doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc

You may also write a if-then-else expression using ? and :. This ternary if:

input_type = gets =~ /hello/i ? "greeting" : "other"

Is the same as this if expression:

input_type =
if gets =~ /hello/i

"According to this book, "every operation is a method call on some object and returns a value." In this sense, if the ternary operator represents an operation, it is a method call on an object with two arguments."

if, unless, while, and until are not operators, they are control structures. Their modifier versions appear in the operator precedence table because they need to have precedence in order to be parsed. They simply check if their condition is true or false. In Ruby this is simple, only false and nil are false. Everything else is true.

Operators are things like !, +, *, and []. They are unary or binary. You can see a list of them by calling .methods.sort on various objects. For example...

2.4.3 :004 > 1.methods.sort
=> [:!, :!=, :!~, :%, :&, :*, :**, :+, :+@, :-, :-@, :/, :<, :<<, :<=, :<=>, :==, :===, :=~, :>, :>=, :>>, :[], :^, :__id__, :__send__, etc...

Note that in Smalltalk, from which Ruby borrows heavily, everything really is a method call. Including the control structures.

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