Make Map Marker Direct Link Onclick for Gmaps4Rails

Make map marker direct link onclick for gmaps4rails

For this kind of needs, I pass a block to the gmaps4rails method in the controller (doc here):

@json = User.all.to_gmaps4rails do |user, marker|
marker.json "\"id\": #{}"
# or
marker.json "\"link\": #{method_to_create_link}"

This way I can have any additional information I need to create a link or anything.

That said, you could update your listener this way:

base_url = "whatever you need";
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
window.location(base_url +;
// or

Gmaps4rails : How to change appearance of marker when user clicks link in sidebar?

You've a javascript issue. Actually, you can't make a closure with a changing counter: it will always be referenced with it's last value. = function(){
for(var i = 0; i <; i++){
marker =[i];
google.maps.event.addListener(marker.serviceObject, 'click',
return function(){
console.log($("src", "/assets/marker_sprite2.png"));

Your main issue is a bit long, not complex but long. The idea is the following:

  • add an id to each marker, you could use the block argument of the to_gmaps4rails method and add some more json

  • create the sidebar yourself and add the id to each line to know which marker you want when you click the li

  • loop all markers to get the one with the proper id

  • change it's picture

How to get information from the currently clicked marker in gmaps4rails?

You have to add a listener on click:

var handler ='Google');
handler.buildMap({ provider: { }, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
// I assume this is the way you retrieve the amrkers array
var json_data = <%=raw @hash.to_json %>;
var markers = handler.addMarkers(json_data);

_.each(json_data, function(json, index){
var marker = markers[index];
json.marker = marker;
google.maps.event.addListener(marker.getServiceObject(), 'click', function(){
//whatever you need here


Gmaps4rails get marker detail when click on particular marker on map in ruby on rails4

all your json is in <%=raw @vnote_hash.to_json %>


var raw_json = <%=raw @vnote_hash.to_json %>;
markers = handler.addMarkers(raw_json);

And in your loop:


An alternative is to merge object properties so you only use one object.

GoogleMaps4Rails not centering first marker

do this in the buildMap callback

google.maps.event.trigger(markers[0].getServiceObject(), 'click');

What is the standard way in gmaps4rails for dynamically resetting marker icons / pictures?

I resolved this issue by using the replaceMarkers API method. Here's the code that worked:

var replacementMarkers = new Array();
for (var k = 0; k < activeMarkers.length; ++k) {
var marker = activeMarkers[k];

var iconUrl = null;
if ($.inArray(marker, taskMarkers) >= 0) {
iconUrl = "/assets/purple_MarkerT.png";
} else {
iconUrl = "/assets/green_MarkerS.png";

"lng": marker.lng.toString(),
"picture": iconUrl,
"description": marker.description

// Delay the replacement operation because in some instances, we reach this branch via the
// In that case, I prefer to defer touching the gmap4rails until the current branch is done.

window.setTimeout(function() {;
}, 25);

gmaps4rails : HOW do I set map options such as container ID for a directions map?

You only want a single map right?

In this case:

<%= gmaps( :map_options => { :container_class => "foo", :id => "bar", :class => "baz" },
"direction" => { "data" => { "from" => "Paris, france", "to" => "Toulon, france" }}
) %>

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