Installed Memcached via Homebrew, How to Start and Stop Server

Installed memcached via homebrew, how to start and stop server?

  1. Brew used to have a command brew services (, now deprecated. Instead, to get always-correct advice, run this command:

    brew info memcached
  2. Via telnet: telnet localhost 11211

    See also What are some useful tips/tools for monitoring/tuning memcached health?

  3. brew remove memcached

How do I start memcached in the foreground with homebrew?

Nevermind I figured it out. I'll post the answer now since I couldn't find it elsewhere.

brew info memcached

In the output look for something like:

Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:


Now just add this to your foreman procfile:

memcached: /usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached -vv

Don't forget to add the -vv flag.

Thanks to this post for the help

gem install memcached is failed on Lion

do this:

ls -l /usr/local/include/memcached
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 43 Jul 18 14:17 /usr/local/include/memcached -> ../Cellar/memcached/1.4.5/include/memcached

you need to remove that old link first:

sudo rm /usr/local/include/memcached

then try the brew link memcached again

You probably also want to do this:

Installed memcached via homebrew, how to start and stop server?

Kony - How to restart a memcached server

If you server running in Linux server use following comment

%KMAP_SERVER_HOME%\memcached\memcached -p 21201

if your server in windows

double click %KMAP_SERVER_HOME%\memcached\memcached.exe

Please make sure that your middle ware is memcache enabled.

to check your memcache status use following Linux comment

echo status | nc 21201

Can rails server also start memcache if it isn't started?

You could make that script do lots of things, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so. You should use a tool designed for the job of keeping processes up, like god or monit.

On a development box, I still probably wouldn't hack my rails script, but would instead write a shell script that does both things for me.

Edit: Responding to the comments below.

Alright, here's the simplest possible shell script. You can store it anywhere (like /usr/local/bin), but you need to be in a RAILS_ROOT directory to run it.

memcached -d
rails server

Check if memcached is installed?

Aha! Your issue is not with your installation of memcached. Keep in mind that memcache and memcached are two different caching mechanisms.

You'll want to make sure that your server has memcache or apc installed for WURFL to be able to cache properly.

How to enable fire and forget mode in moxi

Memcached has quiet commands, but I don't think they are implemented very frequently by SDK's (except for use in multi-get/set operations). These are likely what you need to use in order to enable this behavior. It is not a moxi setting, but a set of client commands that you would use.

Binary quiet commands (They end with a Q for quiet)

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