Active Admin Scopes for Each Instance of a Related Model

Rails ActiveAdmin how to use model scope inside admin after_create block

As acquired is a scope, you would have to write:



if book.status == 'acquired'

Creating and Using Scopes In Active Admin

where works with scopes the same way it works everywhere else in Rails:

where(:expiry_date =>

You give it a hash with a key/value. Your way, using ==, basically invokes where(false), as the == isn't "passed in", it's resolved instantly (to false as a symbol and date will always be unequal) and the resulting value is passed to where.

ActiveAdmin: Modifying Index Table Based on Active Scope

you can try something like that

index do
column :title
column :published_year
column :author unless params['scope'] == 'smith'

ActiveAdmin - Combining Scope and Filter

emI found a workable solution, although it doesn't really resolved the issue of mixing scopes and filters.

Rather than creating a managed scope I made a new namespace


config.namespace :my do |my|
my.authentication_method = :authenticate_user!
my.current_user_method = :current_user
my.build_menu :utility_navigation do |menu|
menu.add label: proc{ "#{display_name} - My Stuff" },
url: proc { my_dashboard_path },
id: 'current_user',
priority: 1,
if: proc { current_user.can_be_user? }
menu.add label: 'Admin Dashboard',
url: proc { admin_dashboard_path },
if: proc { current_user.can_be_admin? }
menu.add label: 'Manager Dashboard',
url: proc { manager_dashboard_path },
if: proc { current_user.employers.size > 0 }
my.add_logout_button_to_menu menu

config.namespace :manager do |manager|
manager.authentication_method = :authenticate_user!
manager.current_user_method = :current_user
manager.build_menu :utility_navigation do |menu|
menu.add label: proc{ "#{display_name} -My Stuff" },
url: proc { my_dashboard_path },
id: 'current_user',
priority: 1,
if: proc { current_user.can_be_user? }
menu.add label: 'Admin Dashboard',
url: proc { admin_dashboard_path },
if: proc { current_user.can_be_admin? }
manager.add_logout_button_to_menu menu

And added menu links to the other namespaces as needed so that Manager pages were accessible (Admin Links are for the site administrator)...

Then for Things in the manager namespace I overrode the controller to get only the things managed.

ActiveAdmin.register Thing, namespace: :manager do

controller do
def scoped_collection
Thing.where( user_id: current_user.employers.collect { |e| e.user_id } )

So this got the affect I was looking for anyway.

How to display scopes based on the role of the user in active admin?

I think this should work:

ActiveAdmin.register Job do

scope :all
scope :draft, :if => proc { current_admin_user.super_admin? }
scope :scheduling
scope :rejected


The DSL for setting up scopes is evaluated at server startup time and does not have access to request cycle based data (like the logged in user). To get around this ActiveAdmin has the concept of wrapping code code with proc so that the enclosed code evaluation is deferred to request-cycle-time.

Good luck!

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