How to Bypass Mass Assignment Protection

Is there a way to bypass mass assignment protection?

assign_attributes with without_protection: true seems less intrusive:

user =
user.assign_attributes({ :name => 'Josh', :is_admin => true }, :without_protection => true) # => "Josh"
user.is_admin? # => true

@tovodeverett mentioned in the comment you can also use it with new, like this in 1 line

user ={ :name => 'Josh', :is_admin => true }, :without_protection => true)

Does the Rails Console Bypass Mass-Assignment Protection?

user.update_attribute("role", "admin")

it has got nothing to do with strong parameters..
That just generates an sql query as you see in the console which updates the record.

strong parameters are used to restrict unpermitted params coming from the view/client and modify your record.

As in your case,

your user_params does not include role because you are assigning it yourself. in case you had not done that and in the request body I had sent role: 'admin',

would make the user admin, if verify_recaptcha(model: @user) condition fails..

Disable mass assignment protection for all models across all tests

I figured it out using the TestCase every Test class extends, and the Eloquen\Model every model extends.



namespace Tests;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
use CreatesApplication, DatabaseMigrations;

public function setUp(): void

Bypass mass assignement laravel

You could do it the opposite way:

Specify the guarded attributes (all fields that should not be fillable).

protected $guarded = array('id', 'created_at', '...');

And remove the $fillable completely.

Possible to temporarily disable mass assignment security in Rails for dev tasks?

This ia a common problem with mass assignment protection, and is one of the reasons why Strong Parameters are being introduced in Rails 4. This moves the protection logic into the controller, so it doesn't get in the way if you're manipulating ActiveRecord objects directly.

You can use the strong_parameters gem to get this same behaviour for Rails 3 apps.

How can I suppress the assignment of one or more fields in a Ruby-On-Rails mass-assignment?

Watch this railscasts

You are thinking about mass assignment security the wrong way. attr_accessbile does not make the password value open to the public (you will use filter_parameter to hide that value).

Think of it this way, you have a user form. You want the user to be able to create an account with a password but you do not want them to be able to add themselves as an admin (they could do this through sql injection or manipulating the POST parameters). To protect against this, you would add :name, :password, :email to attr_accessible and leave out the admin field.

Rails - attr_accessible & mass assignment

Because the Ruby parser parses '{ :name => "James Bond", :admin => true}, false' as the single argument to #attributes=. Calling a method 'foo=' limits you to one argument in Ruby. The send gets around that.

What's actually happening is that Rails is trying to stringify the keys of false, which, being a FalseClass rather than a Hash, doesn't have any.

Mass Assignment: Insecure Binder Configuration with Fortify Java 1.8 EJB

Do you expect all fields to be present in request? You are using @Valid annotation but there are no validation annotations in MyClassRequest model. Try to add some validation annotations like @JsonIgnore for non mandatory fields. Or @JsonInclude on class. If this does not help, may be also try explicitly adding @JsonProperty on each field.

WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes

Don't confuse attr_accessor with attr_accessible. Accessor is built into Ruby and defines a getter method - # returns something - and a setter method - = 'bar'.

Accessible is defined by Rails and makes the attribute mass-assignable (does the opposite of attr_protected).

If first_name is a field in your model's database table, then Rails has already defined getters and setters for that attribute. All you need to do is add attr_accessible :first_name.

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