How to Output Names of Ruby Unit Tests

How to output names of ruby unit tests

Run unit test with verbose option.

test.rb -v v


test.rb --verbose=verbose


Loaded suite C:/test
test_something(TC_MyTest): .

Finished in 0.0 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Ruby Test::Unit's current test method name

I got it!

The test name gets passed up the inheritance chain, so I just needed to capture it and save it locally for my reference.

def initialize(name = nil)
@test_name = name
super(name) unless name.nil?

How to get name of the test program along with dots while running ruby test

you should have a look at -- it produces colorized output, outputs PASS/FAIL per test method and, most importantly, it shows you the relevant failure/error right after it has occured, not "after all the dots".

The Readme at Github has all the relevant info.

Outputting (puts, print) in Rails Unit Tests

You can use the rails logger to see your output:

Rails::logger.debug "Interesting stuff"

Run tail -f log/test.log on the command line (from the project's root in a separate Terminal tab or window) to see the results.

Print a List of All Tests in a Rails App

I have found a roundabout solution: the test_benchmarker plugin. You run your tests with an extra environment variable like so:

rake test BENCHMARK_TESTS=true

You're best off piping the output to a file, because it will be long. But it will give you a list of all the test classes and tests themselves, for both unit and functional. Obviously it gives you the benchmarking results too, which is a bonus.

Is there anything better? I guess this is pretty close, and the extra effort is so little, why NOT get the benchmark results too? RSpec has this feature built in, but maybe it'd be fun to write a version for Test::Unit.

Create an rspec test to return a name

well you seem to need a game created_by field which you should add, you then need to set it when you create the game and then return it when you start the game, something like this:

class Game
attr_accessor :created_by
attr_reader :process, :output
attr_writer :process, :output
def initialize(output, created_by)
@output = output
@created_by = created_by
puts "[#{@output}]"
def start
@output.puts 'Welcome to the Impossible Machine!'
@output.puts 'Starting game...'
@output.puts @created_by
# code to return student's name here

Creating a test report using Ruby unit test

One alternative - simple - is to work with the output provided using command line string manipulation tools (sed/awk/..) and generate the required output format.

A more involved alternative would be to dig into the test-unit internals and create your own test-runner which gives the required output. The ./lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb file would be a good place to start.

Check out for an example of how to write a customized test runner.

Ruby testing: printing inside a test case

Ruby asserts can output messages to test runner console:

test "thing to happen" do
assert_equal "foo", @variable, "@variable is #{@variable} when: things to happen"
p @varible

Rails test hanging - how can I print the test name before execution?

If you run test using rake it will work:

rake test:units TESTOPTS="-v" 

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