Strictly Convert String to Integer (Or Nil)

Strictly convert string to integer (or nil)

Use Integer(string)

It will raise an ArgumentError error if the string cannot convert to an integer.

Integer('5abc') #=> ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "5abc"
Integer('5') #=> 5

You'd still need your number_or_nil method if you want the behavior to be that nil is returned when a string cannot be converted.

def number_or_nil(string)
Integer(string || '')
rescue ArgumentError

You should be careful to rescue from a particular exception. A bare rescue (such as "rescue nil") will rescue from any error which inherits from StandardError and may interfere with the execution of your program in ways you don't expect. Integer() will raise an ArgumentError, so specify that.

If you'd rather not deal with exceptions and just prefer a shorter version of your number_or_nil you can take advantage of implicit return values and write it as:

def number_or_nil(string)
num = string.to_i
num if num.to_s == string

number_or_nil '5' #=> 5
number_or_nil '5abc' #=> nil

This will work the way you expect.

How remove an extra space in string and convert to int type?

here is a slightly better solution that would still allow you to have nil values

(please note that nil.to_i is 0 as well as any "text".to_i is also 0)

def my_method(str)
Integer(str.gsub(/\s/, ''))
rescue ArgumentError => e

Example of use:

=> 1000
my_method('1 000')
=> 1000
my_method(' ')
=> nil
=> nil
=> nil
=> nil

If you want to treat . and , you can adapt the regex in gsub.

Ruby How to convert string to integer without .to_i

You can use Kernel::Integer:

#=> 219
# ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "21cat9"

Sometimes this method is used as follows:

def convert_to_i(str)
rescue ArgumentError

#=> 219
#=> nil
#=> 1234
convert_to_i(" 12 ")
#=> 12
convert_to_i("0b11011") # binary representation
#=> 27
convert_to_i("054") # octal representation
#=> 44
convert_to_i("0xC") # hexidecimal representation
#=> 12

Some use an "inline rescue" (though it is less selective, as it rescues all exceptions):

def convert_to_i(str)
Integer(str) rescue nil

There are similar Kernel methods to convert a string to a float or rational.

String to Double conversion nil in different region Swift

Careful handling of localized numeric strings

let inputString = "12,8" 
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.current // Locale(identifier: "de")
let number = formatter.number(from: inputString)
print(number) // 12.8

Cast variable to integer or null if not able to

Try this

$a = '1234';
$b = '3333';
$c = 'test';

list($a1, $b1, $c1) = array_map(function($elem) { return is_numeric($elem) ? intval($elem) : null; }, [$a, $b, $c]);


print_r([$a1, $b1, $c1]);
[0] => 1234
[1] => 3333
[2] =>

How to convert an integer in a base to a string

Numeric literals with a leading zero are considered to be octal (base 8) numbers.

The to_s method converts the numbers to the default decimal (base 10).

  • 21 octal is 17 decimal
  • 11 octal is 9 decimal

For the expected results, remove the leading zeroes.

Swift: Determining if cast to integer from string succeeds

If 0 represents an error for you, you could do:

return Int(contents as String) ?? 0

?? is called the "nil coalescing operator". It returns the first value if it's not nil, otherwise it returns the second value.

If you want more robust handling you could use guard

guard let value = Int(contents as String) else {
processError("Something went horribly wrong")
return 0

return value

Difference between Integer(value) and value.to_i

Integer(num) will throw an ArgumentError exception if num isn't a valid integer (you can specify the base).

num.to_i will convert as much as it can.

For example:

#=> 2

#=> throws ArgumentError

#=> 0

#=> throws ArgumentError

#=> 2

#=> throws ArgumentError

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