Rails 3 Validates Inclusion of When Using a Find (How to Proc or Lambda)

Rails 3 validates inclusion of when using a find (how to proc or lambda)

Note: This answer is true for old versions of Rails, but for Rails 3.1 and above, procs are accepted.

It must not accept Procs. You can use a custom validation method to do the same thing:

validate :currency_code_exists

def currency_code_exists
errors.add(:base, "Currency code must exist") unless Currency.all_codes.include?(self.currency_code)

Which is better to use in Rails model validation: Proc or lambda?

The only difference I can think of would be a possibility to use early returns from λs. That said, the former would happily validate, while the latter would raise LocalJumpError:

validates :name, present: true,
if: -> { return false unless assotiation; assotiation.present? }
validates :name, present: true,
if: proc { return false unless assotiation; assotiation.present? }

Also, I use the following rule of thumb: strict is better than wide-open. So unless it’s absolutely definite that you need a proc, λ is the better tool to use everywhere.

Rails validation variable proc

You're looking for a custom validation method:

ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
def self.validates_max_passenger(attr_name, r)
validates attr_name, :inclusion => { :in => r, :min => r.first, :max => r.last } }

# later in your class of choice:
validates_max_passenger :passengers, 1..5

Or, you can try the following with lambda

def self.max_passengers

validates :attrib, :inclusion => {:in => lambda { |obj| ClassName.max_passengers } }

Note that you won't need the min/max if you're using :in on range.

How to validates with proc in rails

I prefer to validate format with validates and put such logic as your into validate methods:

validates :price, allow_nil: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, less_than: 1000000 }
validate :price_amount

def price_amount
if only_rental?

also you could use Rails' with_options:

with_options allow_nil: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, less_than: 1000000 } do
validates :price, numericality: { greater_than: 0 }, unless: :only_rental?
validates :price, numericality: { in: [0] }, if: :only_rental?

validates array elements inclusion using inclusion: { in: array }

The standard inclusion validator will not work for this use case, since it checks that the attribute in question is a member of a given array. What you want is to check that every element of an array (the attribute) is a member of a given array.

To do this you could create a custom validator, something like this:

VALID_INTERESTS = ["music","biking","hike"]
validate :validate_interests


def validate_interests
if (invalid_interests = (interest_list - VALID_INTERESTS))
invalid_interests.each do |interest|
errors.add(:interest_list, interest + " is not a valid interest")

I'm getting the elements of interest_list not in VALID_INTERESTS by taking the difference of these two arrays.

I haven't actually tried this code so can't guarantee it will work, but the solution I think will look something like this.

validates_inclusion_of Rails 3 with a query not working as expected

It's not working as you want because the :in => Account.find(:all).collect(&:id) it's evaluated just one time in production mode, when Rails loads the class. I confess I don't understand the reason behind such a validation. Anyway, you have to use a custom validator if you really want to achieve that.

validates_inclusion_of no longer working the same in Rails 4.1?

try adding .keys ?

validates :time_zone, 
inclusion: {
in: ActiveSupport::TimeZone.zones_map.keys

Rails validate model attribute based on value of another attribute

You can use a proc or lambda object which gets the current user instance. This instance you can ask for the state. The proc or lambda should return an enumerable with all valid cities.

adapted from the rails v3.2 api:

validates :city, presence: true, inclusion: { :in => lambda{ |user| CS.cities(user.state.to_sym, :in) }}

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