Can't Convert Symbol into String

can't convert Symbol into String

It seems like you are trying to use strong paramaters. You get this error cannot convert symbol into string because you have not configured the strong_parameters. So by default you cant use require on params with symbols.

Configure strong parameters as follows:

1.) Add gem 'strong_parameters' to your gemfile and bundle it.
2.) Include Restrictions to you model as follows.
include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection to your model.
3.) Disable white listing in application confiuration(config/application.rb)
config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = false

See the documentation for more details on configuring.

Now your code should work.

Why does implicit Symbol to String conversion' lead to TypeError in JavaScript?

Is the latter just calling .toString() on a new Symbol and append (+) it to empty string?

No actually, Symbols cannot be implicitly cast to strings, or numbers, although interestingly enough you can implicitly cast them to a boolean.

MDN actually has a section on some of these pitfalls:

Symbol type conversions

Some things to note when working with type conversion of symbols.

  • When trying to convert a symbol to a number, a TypeError will be thrown (e.g. +sym or sym | 0).
  • When using loose equality, Object(sym) == sym returns true.
  • Symbol("foo") + "bar" throws a TypeError (can't convert symbol to string). This prevents you from silently creating a new string property name from a symbol, for example.
  • The "safer" String(sym) conversion works like a call to Symbol.prototype.toString() with symbols, but note that new String(sym) will throw.

This behavior is documented in the spec under the abstract ToString operation:

Argument Type: Symbol

Result: Throw a TypeError exception.

And similarly for abstract ToNumber operation:

Argument Type: Symbol

Result: Throw a TypeError exception.

To cast a Symbol to a string without a TypeError, you must use either the toString method, or String().

Symbol to string issue

String interpolation is an implicit to_s call. So, something like this:

result = "hello #{expr}"

is more or less equivalent to this:

result = "hello " + expr.to_s

As karim79 said, a symbol is not a string but symbols do have to_s methods so your interpolation works; your attempt at using + for concatenation doesn't work because there is no implementation of + available that understand a string on the left side and a symbol on the right.

Why Symbols not convert string implicitly

According to ECMA-262, using the addition operator on a value of type Symbol in combination with a string value first calls the internal ToPrimitive, which returns the symbol. It then calls the internal ToString which, for Symbols, will throw a TypeError exception.

So calling the internal ToString is not the same as calling Symbol.prototype.toString.

So I guess the answer to:

Why does the implicit type conversion not work?

is "because the spec says so".

Rails - can't convert Symbol into String on Production ONLY

I suggest you just use key.to_s as a quick workaround.

The reason for your problem may be that some version of some component differs between your testing server and the production server.
If your tests pass, and your production environment crashes, that is a very bad situation.

You should compare the versions of ruby and all of the gems you are using. If you use 'bundler' then 'bundle list' gives a nice summary.

If you find out that all the versions are the same... Well, we will be looking for another reason.


As it seems that the problem is caused not by the version differences, but by unexpected data in flash, which obviously in production environment may be different than in testing.

I suggest you change the myModelFlash method a little.

def myModelFlash( key )
if m = /^_mymodel_(.*)/.match(key.to_s)
return m[1]

The flash may contain different keys, some of them may be Symbols or really anything, so you must be prepared to handle all of them.

Converting the key parameter with .to_s should be a safe choice, but if you are sure that you always set the flash keys (I mean the keys related to this "_mymodel" issue) as Strings, you may change the first line of this method:

def myModelFlash( key )
if key.is_a?(String) && m = /^_mymodel_(.*)/.match(key.to_s)
return m[1]

And in your test, add a few other keys to your flash, and then test how the action handles them.

can't convert symbol into string ruby on rails

This is typo error in view

You have used

def new

And in view you have used

<%= form_for :suppliers, :url => {:action => "create"} do |f| %>

in the view :suppliers must be supplier delete s from suppliers

Please use

def new

<%= form_for :supplier, :url => {:action => "create"} do |f| %>

<div class="field">
<%= f.text_area :supplier, placeholder: "Add new Supplier..." %>
<%= f.submit "Post", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary" %>
<% end %>

date_field - can't convert Symbol into String

maybe a little late, but I found something here:

Best regards,

edit: I had to change date order in locale .yml to

 -    order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day

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