How to Update a Single Attribute Without Touching the Updated_At Attribute

How to update a single attribute without touching the updated_at attribute?

Is there a way to avoid automatically updating Rails timestamp fields?

Or closer to your question:

Upsert with attribute included updated_at

FirstOrCreate() calls Updates() when data exist with given ID.
Updates() operation will perform the model's BeforeUpdate, AfterUpdate method, update its UpdatedAt timestamp, save its Associations when updaing, if you don't want to call them, you could use UpdateColumn, UpdateColumns with separate Create operation when data is not exist.

Ref: Gorm official document about update

how to update the field 'updated_at' of a sequelize model without modifiyng any attributes

To update an instance value, you can use instance.set(key, value, [options]).

myInstance.set('updatedAt', new Date()); {
// my nice callback stuff

The sequelize docs have a good example of doing an update query if you don't have an instance:

updatedAt: null,
}, {
where: {
deletedAt: {
$ne: null

How to prevent gorm from ignoring values for the `UpdatedAt` field in the .Updates() clause?

There is a way.

Gorm's Update/Updates method will ignore any value you pass in for UpdatedAt and use the current timestamp instead. This is by design.

You can get gorm to not update the UpdatedAt field by using Omit("UpdatedAt"). However, when you do that the database will still set the updated_at column because of on update current_timestamp.

The way to get around this would be to use the UpdateColumns method which explicitly does not do time tracking:

err := db.Model(&user).
LastLogin: lastLogin,
UpdatedAt: found.UpdatedAt,
// error check

Overall I would consider dropping that on update clause since it's interfering with/duplicating what Gorm is doing.

Update without touching timestamps (Laravel)

Disable it temporarily:

$user = User::find(1);
$user->timestamps = false;
$user->age = 72;

You can optionally re-enable them after saving.

This is a Laravel 4 and 5 only feature and does not apply to Laravel 3.

how to prevent updating of updatedAt field while saving or updating documents in mongodb?

updatedAt field is updated when you use update query of mongoose. if we directly use $set query it will only update the mentioned fields inside $ set query. The reason is updatedAt field is managed by mongoose not by mongodb.

Is there a way to avoid automatically updating Rails timestamp fields?

Do this in a migration or in a rake task (or in the new database seeds if you're on edge rails):

ActiveRecord::Base.record_timestamps = false
ActiveRecord::Base.record_timestamps = true # don't forget to enable it again!

You can safely set created_at and updated_at manually, Rails won't complain.

This also works on individual models, e.g.
User.record_timestamps = false

Can I (and should I) override the createdAt and updatedAt properties of a Sails.js model?

In your model, you can turn off the defaults.

autoCreatedAt: false,
autoUpdatedAt: false,

You are now free to use your own values. You can use the beforeUpdate lifecycle callback (if needed) to add any extra behaviour just prior to updating the model.

For example:

beforeUpdate:function(values, next) {
// do whatever you need here if required.
// you could just override the default createdAt, updatedAt behaviour

See similar question answered by a core maintainer here.

If this still doesn't quite address your needs, then leave me a comment below and I will try to update the answer further.

Sequelize: updating updatedAt manually

This worked for me

group.changed('updatedAt', true)

await group.update({
updatedAt: new Date()

Calling just update with updatedAt = new Date is not enough, you must flag column as changed

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