How to Extract the Sign of an Integer in Ruby

How to extract the sign of an integer in Ruby?

Here is a simple way to do it:

x = -3
"++-"[x <=> 0] # => "-"

x = 0
"++-"[x <=> 0] # => "+"

x = 3
"++-"[x <=> 0] # => "+"


x = -3
"±+-"[x <=> 0] # => "-"

x = 0
"±+-"[x <=> 0] # => "±"

x = 3
"±+-"[x <=> 0] # => "+"

Extract number from string in Ruby {|x| x[/\d+/]}

How to extract digits from a String and transform them into an Integer

The #gsub method can replace all non-digit characters in the String and then you can transform it into an Integer with #to_i:

"1 026 personnes aiment ça".gsub(/\D/, "").to_i
#~> 1026

How to extract integer after = sign using ruby

I'd do something like this:

string = <<EOT
var i=0;
var recharge=[];
var recharge_text=[];
var recharge_String="";
var mrp="";
var talktime="";
var validity="";
var mode="";mrp='1100';
if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
recharge_text.push({MRP:mrp, Talktime:talktime, Validity:validity ,Mode:mode});
recharge.push({MRP:mrp, Talktime:talktime, Validity:validity ,Mode:mode});

hits = string.scan(/(?:mrp|talktime)='[\d.]+'/)
# => ["mrp='1100'", "talktime='1200.00'", "mrp='2200'", "talktime='2400.00'"]

This gives us an array of hits using scan, where the pattern /(?:mrp|talktime)='[\d.]+'/ matched in the string. Figuring out how the pattern works is left as an exercise for the user, but Ruby's Regexp documentation explains it all.

Cleaning that up to be a bit more useful:

hash ={ |s|
str, val = s.split('=')
[str, val.delete("'")]
}.each_with_object( { |h, k| h[k] = [] }){ |(str, val), h| h[str] << val }

You also need to read about each_with_object and what's happening with as those are important concepts to learn in Ruby.

At this point, hash is a hash of arrays:

hash # => {"mrp"=>["1100", "2200"], "talktime"=>["1200.00", "2400.00"]}

You can easily extract a particular variable's values, and can correlate them if need be.

what if i get a string instead of integer next to "=" sign?



It's important to understand what the pattern is doing. The regular expression engine has some gotchas that can drastically affect the speed of a search, so indiscriminately throwing in things without understanding what they do can be very costly.

When using (?:...), you're creating a non-capturing group. When you only have one item you're matching it's not necessary, nor is it particularly desirable since it's making the engine do more work. The only time I'd do that is when I need to refer back to what the capture was, but since you have only one possible thing it'll match that becomes a moot-point. So, your pattern should be reduced to:


Which, when used, results in:

%(tariff='abcdef abc a').scan(/tariff='[\p{Print}]+'/) 
# => ["tariff='abcdef abc a'"]

If you want to capture all non-empty occurrences of the string being assigned, it's easier than what you're doing. I'd use something like:

%(tariff='abcdef abc a').scan(/tariff='.+'/) 
# => ["tariff='abcdef abc a'"]

%(tariff='abcdef abc a').scan(/tariff='[^']+'/)
# => ["tariff='abcdef abc a'"]

The second is more rigorous, and possible safer as it won't be tricked by an line that has multiple single-quotes:

%(tariff='abcdef abc a', 'foo').scan(/tariff='.+'/) 
# => ["tariff='abcdef abc a', 'foo'"]

%(tariff='abcdef abc a', 'foo').scan(/tariff='[^']+'/)
# => ["tariff='abcdef abc a'"]

Why that works is for you to figure out.

How to extract numbers from string containing numbers+characters into an array in Ruby?

Try using String#scan, like this:

#=> ["123", "84", "3", "98"]

If you want integers instead of strings, just add map to it:

#=> [123, 84, 3, 98]

Extract Float Value or Integer Value from string

Simply remove the commas before matching:


How to extract number out of url string ruby

Something like: /\d+$/ should get all digits at the end of the string

How to get the rightmost digit from an Integer - Ruby

You can use the modulo operator n % 10, to get the rightmost digit. For example:

18 % 10
# => 8
9 % 10
# => 9
0 % 10
# => 0
(-123).abs % 10
# => 3

To handle negative numbers, use Integer#abs.


Ruby 2.4 has a Integer#digits method. It will give you the digits as an array, starting from unit's place. And if you want to add the digits, you can use Enumerable#sum.

# =>[3, 2, 1]

# => 3

# => 6

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