Ruby Equivalent of Perl Data::Dumper

Ruby equivalent of Perl Data::Dumper

Look into pp


  require 'pp'
x = { :a => [1,2,3, {:foo => bar}]}
pp x

there is also the inspect method which also works quite nicely

  x = { :a => [1,2,3, {:foo => bar}]}
puts x.inspect

Ruby equivalent of perl's Data::Dumper for printing deep nested hashes/arrays

What about Awesome Print:

require 'awesome_print'
hash = {what: {where: "me", who: "you"}, which: { whom: "she", why: "him"}}
ap hash

Output (actually with syntax highlighting):

:what => {
:where => "me",
:who => "you"
:which => {
:whom => "she",
:why => "him"

What does the DumpXS in Perl's Data::Dumper do?

The XS language is a glue between normal Perl and C. When people want to squeeze every last bit of performance out of an operation, they try to write it as close to the C code as possible. Python and Ruby have similar mechanisms for the same reason.

Some Perl modules have an XS implementation to improve performance. However, you need a C compiler to install it. Not everyone is in a position to install compiled modules, so the modules also come in a "PurePerl" or "PP" version that does the same thing just a bit slower. If you don't have the XS implementation, a module such as Data::Dumper can automatically use the pure Perl implementation. In this case, Data::Dumper also lets you choose which one you want to use.

How to understand the output of Data::Dumper?

Data::Dumper needs to get a reference to a string without creating a new variable in the current scope, this is presumably how it does it. Working from the middle outwards we have my $o = 'test' which declares $o, sets it's value to 'test' and also returns $o. The do{} block in this case provides a scope for the my binding to exist in, when the block exits $o ceases to exist but the value it references continues to, which is good as the \ at the start of the do block takes a reference to it's returned value. The reference to the string 'test' is then blessed with 'Tk'.

What is Perl's equivalent to Ruby's Pry

There is this CPAN module available.

Is there a Go Language equivalent to Perls' Dumper() method in Data::Dumper?

I found a couple packages to help visualize data in Go.

My personal favourite -

There's also -

Unexpected Data::Dumper::Dumper result

In your example $VAR1->{'AA'}[2] and $VAR1->{'BB'}[2] are references to the same hash.

Data::Dumper does not want to print a variable more than once. This behaviour represents the data structure more faithfully, and it avoids any infinite loop it might encounter.

my $loop;
$loop = { 1 => \$loop };
print Dumper $loop;

Output is

$VAR1 = {
'1' => \$VAR1

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