Error Installing a Pod - Bus Error at 0X00000001045B8000

Cocoapods error when Initializing react-native app on Mac mini (Apple M1, 2020) running Monterey

Using that processor does bring some issues with installing pods. Please try arch -x86_64 pod install and see what it brings.
Link to some older post:
React Native ios builds failing suddenly

How can I avoid this ruby illegal instruction error when updating a cocoapod?

I believe the issue was that my newly updated ruby versions weren’t being copied to my homebrew path. This command (from this answer) ended up solving it!

GEMSDIR=$(gem environment gemdir)/bin
export PATH

make ruby default to 3.1.2 on macOS

It might be easier if you use a ruby version manager like rbenv or rvm

brew install rbenv 
rbenv install 3.1.2
rbenv use 3.1.2

Otherwise, you can check this answer:

Xcode: pod install error when creating new projects

This Question is pretty general...
Are you using an Macbook M1? Or an Intel Macbook?

If you are using an Intel macbook ...

  • $sudo gem install cocoapods

  • move to your folder run pod init

  • open your Podfile and add your targets e.g.

    #platform :ios, '9.0'
    target 'MyPod' do
    # Pods for MyPod
    pod 'Firebase/Auth'

  • Close Podfile

  • type pod install

  • type pod update

  • Open MyPod.xcworkspace and start working

if you are using M1 Mb do the same but start with

  1. Right click on Terminal
  2. Get Info -> Open with Rosetta
  3. Open terminal and type sudo gem install ffi

Then do the steps above.

If this error is still occur let me know.

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