Rubocop Error 'Class Definition Is Too Long Ruby'

Rubocop error 'Class definition is too long ruby'

This likely means that your class definition takes more than 100 lines of code.

Rails: rubocop disable Class has too many lines error


class Xzy  # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength

Rails: rubocop disable Class has too many lines error


class Xzy  # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength

Rubocop line is too long and Use new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax

I had used this gem. You can use like the below:

Sample Image

What to do with a key hashed line is too long for rubocop?

I'd go for (Ruby 2.3+)


Keep in mind that unlike your version, this won't blow up if any of these attributes is not present.

My Rubocop doesn't like = e in Ruby error handling. Isn't = e standard?

Your example does not give Lint/UselessAssignment from rubocop, not at least with version 0.55.0

The UselessAssignment usually comes from something like this:

def do_things
rescue *exception_list => e # Useless assignment, e is never used in the block below.
puts "it failed :("

To fix this, you can remove the assignment if you're not using the raised exception for anything:

def do_things
rescue *exception_list
puts "it failed and i don't care why :D"

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