Why Is Ruby's Date Class Automatically Loaded But Datetime Is Not

Why is Ruby's Date class automatically loaded but DateTime is not?

Being a little more curious, I tried:

$ ruby -e 'puts DateTime.class'
-e:1:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Object::DateTime (NameError)
[~, kamilski81@mac]
$ ruby -e 'puts Date.class'
-e:1:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Object::Date (NameError)
$ ruby -e 'puts Time.class'

So it makes me think that it's an irb issue that automatically loads 'date'.

Why can I use the Date class without requiring 'date'?

Rubygems (which is required by default) defines a empty, non-functioning Date class in versions earlier than 2.4.0 (Rubygems version, not Ruby). This has been fixed recently (also see the Ruby bug report). The version of Rubygems with the fix will likely be included in Ruby 2.2.

Are the Date, Time, and DateTime classes necessary?

DateTime is a subclass of Date, so whatever you can do with Date can be done with DateTime. But as tadman and steenslag point out, DateTime is slower. See steenslag's answer for how much slower it is.

With respect to DateTime vs, Time, I found something here:

Time is a wrapper around Unix-Epoch.
Date (and DateTime) use rational and a "day zero" for storage. So Time is faster but the upper and lower bounds are tied to epoch time (which for 32bit epoch times is something around 1970-2040...while Date (and DateTime) have an almost infinite range but are terribly slow.

In short, DateTime is an all around superstar, and should be preferred in general, but if you want to optimize to the last bit, using Time can improve performance.

Why does Date exist in Ruby before it is required?

I believe that date doesn't come from irb, but from rubygems, specifically the file where Gem::Specification is defined:

class Date; end # for ruby_code if date.rb wasn't required

I believe they needed any Date class defined so that the interpreter doesn't complain further down in the Specification class.

How to avoid from storing date objects in array in Ruby?

dates.map { |e| Date.parse(e).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }
#=> ["1232-10-20", "2019-06-06", "2017-08-23", "2015-01-09"]

Change the template '%Y-%m-%d' according to your needs, see this for reference: Date#strftime.

Picking up the wise suggestion from Cary Swoveland.

Instead of Date.parse(e) you can use Date.strptime(e, '%dth %b %Y'), which works more or less the reverse of strftime. See Date#strptime. It follows a template ('%dth %b %Y') to interpret the original string as a date. Adding th to the template after %d (day), it converts properly the current format to a date object:

Date.strptime("20th OCT 1232", '%dth %b %Y') #=> #<Date: 1232-10-20 ((2171339j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

But, what if the date is '1st OCT 2018' or '23rd OCT 2018'? The template does not match, because it expects to find th and not st or rd.

To be ordinal suffix agnostic, comes in hand the method String#sub:

"20th OCT 1232".sub(/(?<=\d)\p{Alpha}+/, '') #=> "20 OCT 1232"

So, mixing all together, the best solution to be safe should be:

dates.map { |e| Date.strptime(e.sub(/(?<=\d)\p{Alpha}+/, ''), '%d %b %Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }

Mongoid - Getting Date instead of Time when serializing DateTime field in JSON API response

Issue seems to be in your code:

class GroceryItem
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :expiry, type: Date

Here, expiry has type of Date, so it is expected to return a Date without time component. I think using the appropriate type will solve your problem.

Rails 'config.time_zone' doesn't apply to datetime data loaded into a text_field. Fix?

As I said in the question, the main problem I had was getting ActiveRecord to apply the existing 'config.time_zone' setting to text_fields.

It turns out that there's a very simple and future-proof way to make that happen: just explicitly add a :value and pull the exact same data--no extra/new methods to call! In my case, that meant:

<%= f.text_field  :time_start, :value => f.object.time_start, :class => "datetimefield" %>

This was an intermediary step to another potential solution I was going to try, and I was surprised to find that it worked all on its own (again, working with the 'config.time_zone' I'd already set in 'config/application.rb').

I've tested it, and it applies the proper DST offset when applicable as well (just as one would expect, since 'config.time_zone' is set).

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