What Is a Worker in Ruby/Rails

What is a worker in ruby/rails?

Depends on the context.

A worker is typically a process that runs outside of your application request cycle. Ruby libraries like resque and delayed_job are typically used to manage worker queues.

On the other hand, if we're talking about web servers the word "worker" is sometimes used interchangeably with threads or processes (ie: nginx or apache "workers").

How can i create a rails worker which is always connected to an external service?

Set up a pool of connections to be used by the jobs running within Sidekiq.

Sidekiq Rails 4.2 Use Active Job or Worker? What's the difference

Short answer is they are the same thing. ActiveJob calls it a Job whereas Sidekiq calls it a Worker. I've decided to keep the terminology different so that people can distinguish the two.

You can use either one. Note that ActiveJob does not provide access to the full set of Sidekiq options so if you want to customize options for your job you might need to make it a Worker.

Sidekiq worker's responsibility

Yes, putting a lot of database work in your worker is totally normal, just remember to stick to Sidekiq's Best Practices.

  1. Make your job parameters small and simple.
  2. Make your job idempotent and transactional.
  3. Embrace concurrency.


How to call another worker from sidekiq worker and monitor its progress without pausing child worker

What you are looking here is something similar to Sidekiq Workflow. But this is available only on Sidekiq-Pro version, which is paid.

How can I perform a worker when a date of my table is equal to current date - Ruby on Rails

dateto is static data. You need an action or event to trigger your worker's job.

For example:

  1. After the record is created, queue a job
  2. On an hourly schedule, query the database filtering records on dateto being the current date

Within the job, you can perform behavior with your records, even if that behavior is to do nothing.

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