How to Render a Plain HTML File with Sinatra

How to render a plain HTML file with Sinatra?

Does send_file do what you want?


  get '/myspecialroute' do
send_file 'special.html'

Ruby Sinatra Embed erb Partial External HTML File

Solution: Save the file as HTML and use this gem for conversion into text:

Works fine if the HTML is simple enough.

Remaining: Still have the issue as using the HTML file as a partial.


@text = markdown'views/')

So park the source file as a markdown file, which can translate to HTML. When I need the email version, I need to translate to HTML then to text using the HTML2text gem.

Sinatra - Render index.html on every request

Shotgun has its own static server that it will use (to avoid forking when not required). Sinatra will also serve static files if configured to do so, but using the modular style app disables this by default.

The fix is to enable the static server:

module SK
module Routes
class Base < Sinatra::Base

# add this line:
enable :static

include Models

get '/*' do 'public/index.html'

helpers Helpers::API

Now Sinatra will serve static files from the public dir before trying to match the route.

Serving static files with Sinatra

Without any additional configuration, Sinatra will serve assets in public. For the empty route, you'll want to render the index document.

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'

get '/' do'public', 'index.html'))

Routes should return a String which become the HTTP response body. opens a file, reads the file, closes the file and returns a String.

Static page routing in Sinatra (Ruby)

Probably a better answer will eventually come, until then this is my shot at it.

If this is not what you want:

get '/' do
redirect '/index.html'

You might do something like this:

get '/' do'public/index.html').readlines

I'd go with the first one though, Not sure why you want to avoid that redirect

Explain to me a Sinatra setup for dummy's for a preview of html/css code

About public folder:

The public_folder is relative to your app file myapp.rb. If you have a public folder inside the projectname folder, this is your public folder. If you have your css, js and image files in another folder, say, includes under project_name, then you need to change the line:

# Actually, you need to remove the line above from myapp.rb as it is.
# The line means that the public folder which is used to have css, js and
# image files under '/' and that means that even myapp.rb is visible to everyone.

set :public_folder, '/'

# to:
set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/includes'

And that will serve up css, js and/or image files from the project_name/includes folder instead of project_name/public folder.

Reading the html file:

Reading the html files does not depend on the public folder settings. These need not be inside the public folder.

get '/' do + '/index.html')
# This says that the app should read the index.html
# Assuming that both myapp.rb and index.html are in the same folder.
# incase the html files are inside a different directory, say, html,
# change that line to:
# + '/html/index.html')

# Directory structure sample:

# project_name
# | - myapp.rb
# | - index.html (and not html/index.html etc.)
# | /public (or includes incase the css, js assets have a different location)
# | | /css
# | | /js
# | | /images

To get the html output inside the browser

After the file is read, typically, this will be your string: "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"

Without escaping the string, the browser renders the html string as html (no pun) and that's why you won't see any text. To escape the html, you can use the CGI class provided by Ruby (hat tip). So, in the end, this will be your snippet:

get '/' do
CGI::escapeHTML( + 'index.html'))

But that will spit out the html file in a single line. To clean it up,

# myapp.rb

get '/' do
@raw_html = CGI::escapeHTML( + 'index.html'))

# Using inline templates to keep things simple.
# get '/' do...end gets the index.erb file and hence, in the inline template,
# we need to use the @@ index representation. If we say get '/home' do...end,
# then the inline template will come under @@ home. All the html/erb between
# two "@@"s will be rendered as one template (also called as view).

# The <%= @raw_html %>spews out the entire html string read inside the "get" block


@@ index
<%= @raw_html %>

How do I automatically generate static HTML from HAML with Sinatra or Padrino?


add padrino-cache to your app

class SimpleApp < Padrino::Application
register Padrino::Cache
enable :caching

get '/foo', :cache => true do
expires_in 30 # expire cached version at least every 30 seconds
'Hello world'

Then save wherever you want to serve it:

set :cache,'public'))

You can read more here:

Displaying .txt file with Ruby Sinatra

You can do as below :

sinatra code :

get '/create' do
@logfile ="logfile.txt","r")
erb :create


<h2>Text file:</h2>
<% @logfile.each_line do |line| %>
<%= line %>
<% end %>

Or you can use File#read :


<h2>Text file:</h2>
<%= %>

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