Start or Ensure That Delayed Job Runs When an Application/Server Restarts

Start or ensure that Delayed Job runs when an application/server restarts

Check for the existence of the daemons PID file (File.exist? ...). If it's there then assume it's running else start it up.

Fork delayed job from the app server?

You could definitely pull the terminating off with god.

Simply watch the app processes and god will fire a callback when they're all stopped.

Starting delayed_job at startup

You should create one recipe with the restart command.

namespace :delayed_job do 
desc "Restart the delayed_job process"
task :restart, :roles => :app do
run "cd #{current_path}; RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} script/delayed_job restart"

Then you add it to be executed at the end of your deployment.

after "deploy:update_code", "delayed_job:restart"

Run delayed jobs after deployed on production server

The workers run as separate processes, not as part of your Rails application. The simplest way would be to run the rake task in a screen session to prevent it from quitting when you log out of the terminal session. But there are better ways:

You would use a system such as monit or God or run the worker script provided by delayed_job. You'll find more information in the answers to this question.

Delayed jobs stops after some time

Its seem you might be having memory issue which is killing it. you can try Monit to automatically start job if its killed


You may also use sidekiq instead of delayed job

How to gracefully restart delayed_job consumers?

Came up with a solution that works.

I have a base class that all of my delayed jobs inherit from called BaseJob:

class BaseJob
attr_accessor :live_hash

def before(job)
# check to make sure that the version of code here is the right version of code
resp = HTTParty.get("#{Rails.application.config.root_url}/revision")
self.live_hash = resp.body.strip

def should_perform()
return self.live_hash == GIT_REVISION

def perform()
if self.should_perform == true

def safe_perform()
# override this method in subclasses

def success(job)
if self.should_perform == false
# log stats here about a failure

# enqueue a new job of the same kind
new_job =
new_job.priority = job.priority
new_job.handler = job.handler
new_job.queue = job.queue
new_job.run_at = job.run_at

# restart the delayed job system
%x("export RAILS_ENV=#{Rails.env} && ./script/delayed_job stop")
# log stats here about a success


All base classes inherit from BaseJob and override safe_perform to actually do their work. A few assumptions about the above code:

  • Rails.application.config.root_url points to the root of your app (ie:
  • There is a route exposed called /revision (ie:
  • There is a global constant called GIT_REVISION that your app knows about

What I ended up doing was putting the output of git rev-parse HEAD in a file and pushing that with the code. That gets loaded in upon startup so it's available in the web version as well as in the delayed_job consumers.

When we deploy code via Capistrano, we no longer stop, start, or restart delayed_job consumers. We install a cronjob on consumer nodes that runs every minute and determines if a delayed_job process is running. If one isn't, then a new one will be spawned.

As a result of all of this, all of the following conditions are met:

  • Pushing code doesn't wait on delayed_job to restart/force kill anymore. Existing jobs that are running are left alone when new code is pushed.
  • We can detect when a job begins if the consumer is running old code. The job gets requeued and the consumer kills itself.
  • When a delayed_job dies, a new one is spawned via a cronjob with new code (by the nature of starting delayed_job, it has new code).
  • If you're paranoid about killing delayed_job consumers, install a nagios check that does the same thing as the cron job but alerts you when a delayed_job process hasn't been running for 5 minutes.

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