Rails 4 Strong Parameters:How to 'Exclude'/Blacklist Attributes Instead of Permit/Whitelist

Rails 4 Strong Parameters : can I 'exclude' / blacklist attributes instead of permit / whitelist?

No, this is not possible.

Blacklisting attributes would be a security issue, since your codebase can evolve, and other attributes, which should be blacklisted can be forgotten in the future.

Adding all your whitelisted attributes might seem like a complicated thing when implementing it.

However, it's the only way of keeping your application secure and avoiding disturbing things.

Strong Params + Rails4 - How do I allow not specifically?

It's not possible. This previous question covers it very clearly - Rails 4 Strong Parameters : can I 'exclude' / blacklist attributes instead of permit / whitelist?

Blacklisting attributes would be a security issue, since your codebase
can evolve, and other attributes, which should be blacklisted can be
forgotten in the future.

Rails 4 strong parameters failing when creating instances in rails console

Two things. The league_params definition goes in the controller, not the model. And params.require() should contain the name of the model that is required to be present in the parameters, not the attributes. The attribute presence check should still be in the model validations. And be sure you really want to allow access to all attributes in the League model before you use permit!. So, it should look like this:

class LeaguesController < ApplicationController

def league_params



Yes, if you want the attributes to be restricted when accessing the model directly, you would need to switch back to using the attr_accessible in the model. That functionality has been moved into this gem: https://github.com/rails/protected_attributes.

I think it is assumed that if you are working with the model directly in the console, you don't need the attributes to be protected as you know exactly what is being entered. As the console has full access to your app, it would be just as easy to hose the entire database as it would be to maliciously assign an attribute.

Rails4 Strong parameters without database column

Please, permit only the params you expect your user send with data. If start_time is not user data for update your db, use this way:

params.require(:timeslot).permit(:employee_id, :dienstplan_id, :start_date)

Strong parameters prevents save data that user sends and you don't want he/she update.

If you use :start_time, it must be defined at your model.

Ops, I've seen your update:

@e.start_date = @e.start_date.to_s + " " + @e.start_time.to_s

If you send :start_time to an Timeslot instance them start_time must be a method of Timeslot model. Defined by rails if it is a db field, defined with attr_accesor or att_reader or defined by a def key on your source model.

If not @e.start_time trigger undefined method 'start_time'.

edited again:

Now, start_time is a model variable. Make sure it is send to the form in the same way that you do with the fields. By default we use an f <%= f.text_field :the_field %>. Just don't forget the f.

Now you must permit this field again, if you follow my first advice.

Rails 4 strong params - Undefined method name on model

You still do need the attr_accessor defining which attributes your model has.

There's also a ActiveModel::Model module you can include rather than including separate modules:

class Message
include ActiveModel::Model

attr_accessor :name, :email, :body

validates :name, :email, :body, :presence => true

def persisted?

See the ActiveModel documentation for more information.

How can I view list of permitted params using Rails strong_parameters?

No, that is not possible. Because params.require(:foo).permit(:bar) does not define a list of allowed parameters, but filters the params parameter hash at each request with the attribute names as arguments.

What you can do to see the list of allowed parameters is to take a look into your controller.

Another option might be to store the allowed parameters in a constant which can be queried from everywhere in your application:

# in the foos_controller

def foo_params

# elsewhere or in the Rails console
#=> [:bar]

Read more about how this filtering works: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Parameters.html

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