Why Can't I Install SASS on MAC Os Sierra

Cannot install SASS on macOS 10.14.5

This NPM package you've installed called ruby is not Ruby, but instead just something with the same name. It's not going to help with your Ruby problems. NPM is exclusively for Node.js.

To work with Ruby you'll want to install rbenv. Follow the instructions closely for ensuring your Path is set up properly.

This gives you a lot more flexibility, but most importantly the Ruby development headers that are missing from the default macOS supplied Ruby.

Pure-Ruby packages will work without development headers, but anything that has compiled extensions, like Nokogiri or apparently Ruby SASS, will require them. In that case rbenv has you covered.

Terminal error message when trying to install Sass

you should download the last version of Ruby Ruby Last Version because rubygems.org updated their SSL certificate and older versions don't have the updated certificate bundled for more information about this check this link
rubygem SSL certificate

after you install last version of Ruby , open cmd and write this command gem install sass
if you have an error like this
gem install sass

You must run this command chcp 65001 chcp is shortcut for Change the active console This command is rarely required as most GUI programs and PowerShell now support Unicode for more information check this link
change active console page
After run this command,write command of install sass again gem install sass
gem install sass
Congratulation sass installed succussfully

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